public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags lang:en & typography

18 September 2006 07:00

Free Secure Online Storage — Xdrive

by 8 others
Get 5GB of FREE space, and save a secure copy of your photo collection, home videos, music, and any other digital file! X drive / Xdrive

11 September 2006 08:00

Jargon Boy | Modern Alphabet Flashcards

M is for Modern Alphabet Flashcards. A pocketful of genius. Coolness in a box. A Mid-Century Modern education in 26 remarkably easy lessons. Or a way to keep your kids busy on the train to the City or the 101. Forget A is for Apple. B is for Bauhaus is where it's at. Cards are 2 3/4" x 2 3/4", packaging is 3" x 3" x 3/4 ", info is immeasurable.

23 August 2006 10:00

Typeradio, now we are talking

by 1 other
Typeradio, the radio channel on type & design. Type is speech on paper. Typeradio is speech on type. Typeradio is a Microfm broadcast, a MP3 internet radio stream and a podcast station. Since 2004 Typeradio (which is Donald Beekman, Liza Enebeis aka LoveLiza & Underware) is visiting different design events around the world, to meet designers and to talk.

18 August 2006 08:00


by 3 others
Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. Helvetica will begin screening at film festivals worldwide starting in early 2007.

08 August 2006 08:00

11 July 2006 22:00

Quirky serifs aside, Georgia fonts win on Web - Style - International Herald Tribune

The IHT on a resurgence in popularity of the Georgia typeface online - "That is why we felt ready to forsake Verdana's clarity for Georgia's quirky serifs - at least until the next newly fashionable typeface comes along.'

13 April 2006 14:00

27 January 2006 09:00

dotWiki > Articles > TheWindowsVistaFonts

# Cambria is a smaller, more readable version of Georgia. Then again, all serif fonts look alike to me. # Calibri is like a slightly condensed version of Corbel and Candara. # Calibri, Candara, and Corbel are all too small compared to the current set of de facto Windows fonts (such as Georgia at 12pt compared with Calibri at 12pt) to make them impossible to use along with a current Windows font in a browser. For example, using Georgia and Calibri in your browser produces readable serif text but small, unreadable sans-serif text since both fonts must use the same font size.

Jensen Harris: An Office User Interface Blog : Fonts

Last month, I introduced Segoe UI, the new user interface font for Office 12 and Windows Vista. Of course, you spend most of your time in Office not looking at the user interface, but working with documents. Times New Roman has been Word's default font since Word 6.0 introduced support for TrueType fonts. Although there are numerous other options available, most documents today are produced in Times New Roman, Arial, or more recently the Web-friendly choice Verdana.

Scobleizer - Microsoft Geek Blogger » Cleartype improves reading comprehension, study says

Microsoft ClearType is an unprecedented innovation in font display technology that dramatically improves font display resolution and marks a genuine breakthrough in screen readability.

Coding Horror: Consolas and ClearType

However, I prefer not to use font smoothing on my programming fonts. And Consolas looks like crap without ClearType! Consolas appears to lack any kind of hinting for reasonable display at small point sizes. Consolas isn't just optimized for ClearType, it can barely be used without it.

Microsoft Typography - Features of TrueType and OpenType

Microsoft ClearType is an unprecedented innovation in font display technology that dramatically improves font display resolution and marks a genuine breakthrough in screen readability.

24 January 2006 16:00

The Anatomy of Web Fonts

by 4 others
If one aspect of design has suffered most in its transition to the Web, it is the art of typography. For years, Web typography involved little more than choosing a typeface and font size. Unstyled Times New Roman was the norm, and the integration of established typographical techniques and rules was unimagined.

10 October 2005 07:00

Ain’t What ITC Used to Be | Typographica

article about the recent release of ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro & her fake italic

14 September 2005 10:00

Linotype FontExplorer X

by 13 others
FontExplorer X sets a new standard for font management software. After several relatively sad years for all font users who were looking for a professional font manager, Linotype is pleased to fill the gap with the new FontExplorer X. Font management has never been so simple, and font sorting, font shopping and font discovery are now more fun than ever. FontExplorer X gives computer users all the font functions they could need, and lets them decide how deeply they wish to dive into various font themes.