public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag google

October 2008

Extending The API To Create Labeled Markers at Beginning Google Maps Applications

Many people find the object-oriented aspect of JavaScript to be very confusing. Fortunately, the designers of the Google Maps API have managed to make it extremely accessible—if all you ever did was instantiate their classes and then build scripts around those objects, you could still create very interesting and compelling maps. Creating a cool map is firstly about content, and secondly about technology.

September 2008

Google Chrome

Words by the Google Chrome team, comics adaptation by Scott McCloud. Découvrez des dessins humoristiques illustrant certaines des décisions prises lors de la conception de Chrome (par Scott McCloud).

June 2008

TechCrunch en français » Yahoo se jette dans les bras de Google, perd trois têtes et voit son action chuter

Yahoo et Google ont confirmé un partenariat autour de la publicité dans les recherches, comme nous le pressentions hier soir. Lire le billet du blog de Google ici.

April 2008

James & Joe

by 1 other
Portfolio utilisant l'api de google map comme principe de navigation

OS X Style Google Reader |

A style for Google Reader that styles it like Its not trying to be original or ‘better’ than the default theme, it’s just trying to make it look like a Mac OS X app!

Higher Antitrust Bar For Yahoo, Google Partnership -- Search Engines -- InformationWeek

Any deal between the world's two largest Internet search services will draw heavy scrutiny from U.S. and European competition regulators, analysts suggest.

March 2008

Official Google Data APIs Blog: 3. 2. 1. Contact. The API has landed

by 1 other
Have you ever been on a web-site that asked you for your Google username and password so that it can import your Gmail contact list? Did you think twice before giving out that information, hoping the web-site would not use it to access your credit card information stored with Google Checkout? Now you don't have to! We're happy to announce the availability of our Google Contacts Data API that gives programmatic access to your contact list. The contact list is shared among Google applications like Gmail, Reader, Calendar, and more.

January 2008

Google and Ad Conglomerate Teaming Up - New York Times

It is possible that what emerges could drive the development of ‘open source advertising,’ ” Mr. Schmidt said, if the tools were made widely available. Google, which makes much of its money by placing ads on particular Web sites for other companies, promotes the adoption of common technical standards.

Logos Google

by 10 others (via)
Nous possédons un vaste éventail de logos qui représentent les fêtes et les événements marquants de l'année. Vous pouvez les découvrir dans notre musée en ligne, mais vous ne pouvez pas les utiliser. Pour inclure un lien vers Google sur votre site, utilisez l'un des logos officiels.

November 2007

Ascender creates the new Droid font collection for Open Handset Alliance's Android platform

ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL – November 12, 2007 – Ascender Corporation, a leading provider of advanced font products and innovative applications for mobile devices, today announced that it designed and engineered a new set of system User Interface (UI) fonts named "Droid" for the Android platform built by the Open Handset Alliance. The Android platform is a complete mobile phone software stack that will be made available under the Apache open source license. The fonts provided by Ascender ensure that users of handsets developed from the Android platform will enjoy highly legible text resulting in easy to use interfaces.

gabyu » Blog Archive » Google China (谷歌) s’essaie à la culture web chinoise

Depuis ses premiers succès, Google a été l’initiateur de bien des révolutions. Il avait par exemple démontré qu’un site sobre et extremement simple à utiliser en permettait sa rapide adoption par les utilisateurs et ainsi accroitre sa popularité.

Spanning Sync - Sync iCal and Google Calendar

by 5 others (via)
Synchronize Google Calendar and Apple iCal. Share calendars between multiple Macs. Share calendars with your coworkers, family, and friends. And while you're at it, connect Google Calendar to your iPod, mobile phone, and other devices.

September 2007

► Connaître les pages récemment indexées par Google

by 8 others (via)
Un nouveau paramètre bien utile est disponible sur Google qui décidément ne tient pas en place... il est désormais possible de connaître les pages qui viennent de se faire indexer.

August 2007

Google Sky

Zoom in to distant galaxies and nebulae View constellations and the movements of the planets Learn about the lifecycle of a star and different kinds of galaxies Create and share your own imagery, placemarks and more

July 2007

Better Gmail :: Modules pour Firefox

A compilation of the best Greasemonkey Gmail enhancements in one extension. A comprehensive suite of Gmail enhancements, including skins, saved searches, keyboard macros, secure access, attachment icons, attachment reminders, label colors, signature floating and more.

June 2007

Google Maps

by 1 other
Use Street View to: View street level photographs (select cities) Take virtual walks; pan, rotate and zoom Explore cityscapes, landmarks, points of interest Find shops, restaurants, parks, hotels and more

Google Carpet by Robert Sollis

Robert Sollis sent an email out to Google requesting they update Google Maps with a temporary marker for the 150th anniversary exhibition for the Royal College of Art, only to receive an auto-reply message in return. Mr. Sollis replied to inform that he'd create his own physical marker, the Google Carpet, that would hopefully be picked up by satellites and refreshed on the maps in time for the exhibition (only to receive that same dang auto-reply in return).

May 2007

Straight Razor shaving demo - Google Video

Lynn Abrams, founder of, demonstrates how to shave with a Straight Razor.

February 2007

December 2006

Google Blatantly Copies Yahoo!? (by Jeremy Zawodny)

by 2 others
I'm not sure if this is stupidity, laziness, or a mix of both, but check this out.

Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Uh Oh, Gmail Just Got Perfect

by 1 other
Google quietly added a small feature to Gmail this week called Mail Fetcher. When that feature launched, Gmail became perfect. FATTT !

September 2006

Google Instant Intranet

by 1 other
Google has an upcoming Personalized Start Page for Enterprise, according to some sleuthing done by Garrett Rogers and Scott Smith at Google Blogoscoped. Here's an example Dell start page and the official help page. The Personalized Start Page will be one of the options available in the beta Apps For Your Domain service. Currently email, IM, calendar and website creator is included in the package. In the Google Blogoscoped forum, there's further speculation about Writely integration and the ability to add Adsense to it.

August 2006 - Filter them and increase your revenue !

by 5 others
AdsBlackList will teach you how to seek, recognize and filter low paying google ads which, in most cases, link to MFA (Made for Adsense) sites AND we will provide you with tools that will help you to substantly increase your AdSense revenue, all for free. Why would you seatle on taking $0.01 when you can boost it over $0.50 per click and double or triple your earnings ?!

July 2006

Téléchargez les vidéos Google au format avi

by 4 others, 6 comments
Une astuce provenant de Google Operating System nous apprend qu’il est possible de télécharger les vidéos présentes sur la plateforme de Google non plus au format GVI mais au format AVI.

Internet Soul Portraits

by 1 other
Des sites débarrassés de tout contenu, purgés de leur substantifique moelle éditoriale, telle est la tentative de décontextualisation infographique proposée par Mark Callahan. Son Internet Soul Portraits met textuellement à nu les géants du net. Yahoo, MSN, MySpace ou Amazon, sabrés de leur enrobage syntaxique, ne laissent apparaître que des formes colorées irrémissiblement vides. Avant-goût d’une éventuelle apocalypse où seuls des vestiges HTML subsisteraient à l’intérieur d’un réseau des réseaux déshumanisé, ces captures font indéniablement penser aux mots de Heinrich Heine : "Nous ne comprenons guère les ruines que le jour où nous-mêmes le sommes devenus".