public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag books

June 2011

France Inter > Les émissions > Partir avec ... Stéphanie Duncan

Qu’est-ce qui peut bien mener une femme de 56 ans, née en France, à s’aventurer aux confins de la Chine, et, déguisée en mendiante, à traverser à pied le Tibet, jusqu’à Lhassa, la cité interdite, perchée dans les montagnes de l’Himalaya ?

May 2011

March 2011

Touch Press - Home

by 1 other
Many diverse talents make our vision for Touch Press a reality. Our founding team brings together several renowned individuals—who collectively represent decades of successful experience in publishing, software development, media production and interaction design. Our strategic partners bring deep capabilities in a host of important areas. And as Touch Press develops, we look forward to our interactions with a growing circle of authors and new partners.

Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre Photography

Ruins are the visible symbols and landmarks of our societies and their changes, small pieces of history in suspension. The state of ruin is essentially a temporary situation that happens at some point, the volatile result of change of era and the fall of empires. This fragility, the time elapsed but even so running fast, lead us to watch them one very last time : being dismayed, or admire, making us wondering about the permanence of things. Photography appeared to us as a modest way to keep a little bit of this ephemeral state.

Steidl - Ruins of Detroit

Over the past generation Detroit has suffered economically worse than any other of the major American cities and its rampant urban decay is now glaringly apparent during this current recession. Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre documented this disintegration, showcasing structures that were formerly a source of civic pride, and which now stand as monuments to the city’s fall from grace.

February 2011

Joëlle Jolivet

by 2 others
une de mes illustratices préférées

January 2011


Hiragana type with objects

Maria Fischer · Portfolio · Traumgedanken

by 2 others
The book “Traumgedanken” (“Thoughts about dreams”) contains a collection of literary, philosophical, psychological and scientifical texts which provide an insight into different dream theories. To ease the access to the elusive topic, the book is designed as a model of a dream about dreaming. Analogue to a dream, where pieces of reality are assembled to build a story, it brings different text excerpts together. They are connected by threads which tie in with certain key words. The threads visualise the confusion and fragileness of dreams.

November 2010

Visual Editions : Tree of codes by Jonathan Safran Foer

by 1 other
An enormous last day of life. “Jonathan Safran Foer, deftly deploys sculptural means to craft a truly compelling story. In our world of screens, he welds narrative, materiality, and our reading experience into a book that remembers that it actually has a body.” –Olafur Eliasson


Judd Apatow décrit en détails son itinéraire et la totalité de son travail d’auteur-producteur, depuis les débuts dans le stand-up à la douzaine de succès qu’il a produits, écrits ou réalisés, de Freaks & Geeks à 40 ans toujours puceau, En cloque, mode d’emploi ou Supergrave, jusqu’à la sortie récente de Funny People.

Designing Obama - Welcome

by 3 others
The Obama presidential campaign was an innovation in American politics and American design. For the first time, a candidate used art and design to bring together the American people—capturing their voices in a visual way. The Design Director of the Obama campaign, Scott Thomas, has collaborated with artists and designers to create Designing Obama, a chronicle of the art from the historic campaign. I Wrote a Book

“Ordering Disorder” is an overview of all of my thoughts on using the typographic grid in the practice of Web design. The first part of the book covers the theories behind grid design, the historical underpinnings of the grid, how they’re relevant (and occasionally irrelevant) to the work of Web designers — and a bit of my personal experience coming to grips with grids as a tool.

L’art se met à la réalité augmentée « La réalité augmentée | Augmented reality

Quand on connait les possibilités qu’apporte la réalité augmentée à améliorer la perception du réel à travers les technologies, on ne peut que devenir créatif et imaginer tout un tas de concepts. La vidéo ci-dessous vous présente le travail d’un artiste, Martin Kovacovsky, intitulé “Dr. Jekyll und Mr. Hyde” (cf wikipedia) qui a très bien utilisé la réalité augmentée à travers son oeuvre pour la rendre interactive et ludique. Je vous laisse admirer

October 2010

Might Ryu Murakami's switch to the iPad signal the beginning of the end for traditional publishers? | Books | The Observer

The battle for the ownership of the book is still being fought on several fronts. It's a confusing scene, hard to interpret. Depending on where you look, through the fog of IT innovation, there are either white flags or fluttering standards of resistance.

La Reliure Boulanger

L’Atelier Boulanger vous propose de relier vos ouvrages. Son équipe est à la fois jeune et expérimentée, « née dedans » en quelque sorte. L’ Atelier Boulanger fut créé au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale par Jules Boulanger. Lui ont succédé son fils André, son petit-fils Alain et, aujourdhui, son arrière-petit-fils Franck. Depuis 1919, l’Atelier Boulanger perpétue un métier artisanal dans le respect de la tradition : gestes et savoir-faire, matériaux de qualité (cuirs, papiers, dorure à la feuille d’or, etc.).

Le tenugui et ses aphorismes mystérieux

* Pour illustrer, dans un premier temps, l'importance et la profondeur des aphorismes que les kenshi 'arborent' sous leur casque à grille métallique, nous vous proposons un court extrait du livre de Pierre Delorme, Soleil levant, ou l'efficacité japonaise. C'est édité chez Guy Trédaniel depuis 1986. (un libraire consciencieux et professionnel doit pouvoir vous le dénicher; vous ne le regretterez pas...) Pierre Delorme, Soleil levant, ou l'efficacité japonaise, (1986)

September 2010

Martial Arts of Japan: The Classical Martial Arts Resource

July 2010

Luciole Circus - De papier (de soie), d'encre (de Chine) et de couleurs (si nuancées)...

Laissez-vous emporter par le monde magique du cirque ! Moi je n’ai eu aucun problème à m’imaginer en spectatrice émerveillée ! Un gros coup de coeur pour cet album.

June 2010

La Cocotte - Librairie du goût

5, rue Paul Bert 75011 Paris La Cocotte propose une sélection de livres gourmands. Des livres de recettes surtout, mais pas uniquement : tous les supports sont possibles pour parler du goût : design, photo, mangas, romans, histoire, essais… Sans oublier le rayon jeunesse. Voir, toucher, sentir, raconter, échanger, partager, réfléchir, expérimenter… la gourmandise à La Cocotte peut prendre toutes les formes. Il y a aussi à La Cocotte un coin Salon de thé , une grande table où l’on peut s’attarder, siroter un thé ou un café et déguster nos spécialités pâtissières. Vous trouverez également une sélection d'objets pratiques et /ou ludiques qu'on a envie d'avoir dans sa cuisine, et bien sûr les créations maison.

May 2010

POP by Tali Krakowsky - Tali Krakowsky - On Design - Creativity Online

Pop-up books are just so alluring. There's something special about how they become dimensional and architectural; how they embody a story and invite discovery; how they surprise and fascinate; how they move and unfold – literally. By Tali Krakowsky

The New York Photo Festival | The Future of Contemporary Photography

ASX on NYPH: Interim Award #3 – WINNER – Johnny Miller & Baptiste Lignel – “Coney Island” - Sometimes the combining of two items, or two individuals, or two styles or two colors, or two races or two nationalities, or two emotions or two boys or two girls or two sexes or two places or two ages or ALL of these things… sometimes these things can work together to provide a result that goes far beyond the simple doubling of the items… something that goes far beyond the 2 + 2 and becomes the 2 squared… an exponential result and so much, much more then if pulled apart. This principal is recited in the business world so much as to become almost cliche (teamwork! partnering! group goals!) and even in marriage it is a mantra at its core. The sum of the parts equals greater than the whole.

A Book Apart, Home

HTML5 is the longest HTML specification ever written. It is also the most powerful, and in some ways, the most confusing. What do accessible, content-focused standards-based web designers and front-end developers need to know? And how can we harness the power of HTML5 in today’s browsers? In this brilliant and entertaining user’s guide, Jeremy Keith cuts to the chase, with crisp, clear, practical examples, and his patented twinkle and charm.