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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tag animation


Japan - The Strange Country (Japanese ver.) on Vimeo

by 1 other
This is my final thesis project. I created info-graphic, motion piece. My objective is to make Japanese people to think about that everything happening here in Japan, isn't that normal. So I created this video from foreigner's point of view, rather than Japanese people's point of view.

2011 Academy Award Nominee

“Madagascar, Carnet de Voyage” (Madagascar, a Journey Diary) is one of five animated short films nominated for an Academy Award this year. From a purely artistic standpoint this animated short by French filmmaker Bastien Dubois is compelling to view. Colored pencil and watercolor drawings come to life, so that viewers feel like they’ve stepped into the pages of a traveler’s diary. Dubois undoubtedly achieved this using a rotoscoping technique in Adobe After Effects — a process of drawing masks, animating the path and then using the masks to define a matte.|株式会社マングローブ

Studio d'animation japonais a qui l'on doit Samuraï Champloo


:: Chico & Rita :: | Love is a song you never forget

Cuba, 1948. Chico is a young piano player with big dreams. Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey – in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero – brings heartache and torment. From Havana to New York, Paris, Hollywood and Las Vegas, two passionate individuals battle impossible odds to unite in music and love.

YouTube - Chaîne de Anime12478

Musashi no Ken 六三四の剣 This series follows a young boy as he tries to be the best Kenshi (person who does Kendo) in Japan. Of course, it doesn't come easy...

The Living Brick: Big in Japan!

My own contribution to this theme is already underway, and will be called Miyazakitopia. This is a diorama paying tribute to master animator Hayao Miyazaki. The first phase, "Totoro and friends" is already complete, and was unveiled this evening to coincide with the announcement...


WOOD by Mac Bess on Vimeo

illus, anim, typo, musique, ça envoie la sauce ! Vive la chiasse !


Lost and Found

A heart-warming tale celebrating the value of friendship, Lost and Found is a half hour film adaptation of Oliver Jeffers award winning children's book and is a co-production between studio Aka & Contender entertainment

La Légende de Bouddha

Primé en 2005, La Légende de Bouddha figure parmi les 11 titres en présélection aux Oscars 2005, aux côtés des films prestigieux des grands studios américains tels que Shrek 2 (Dreamworks), Les Indestructibles (Buena Vista), Gang de Requins (Dreamworks), Le Pôle Express (Warner), etc... Ce long métrage d'animation a été le fruit d'un travail et de moyens exceptionnels : plus de 400 créateurs ont participé à la réalisation des 200.000 dessins et 1.000 décors entièrement peints à la main, à la façon des premiers dessins animés des Studios Disney.

by 1 other
Fantastique prochain film d'animation avec l'équipe de l'etrange noël de M Jack et de James et la pêche géante Quelques mots de passe :
  • buttoneyes
  • stopmotion
  • moustachio
  • puppetlove
  • armpithair
  • sweaterxxs

Solar - A short film by Ian Wharton & Edward Shires

Solar is a short animated film by graduate creatives Ian Wharton and Edward Shires. A tale of the sun, moon and two characters who inhabit a planet that relies on day and night perhaps more than it would seem.

Freedom Project MANGA SUPREME

Je vous propose de découvrir Freedom, la nouvelle réalisation de Katsuhiro Otomo, l'auteur du célèbre Akira et plus récent Steamboy. Il devrait y avoir 6 OAV de 30mins de ce projet qui à la base était une campagne de pub pour les Nissin Cup Noodle à laquelle a pris part Katsuhiro Otomo. L'animation est en 3D, mais vous reconnaitrez très vite le chara design habituel d'Otomo. Le fansub est signé Requiem Anime que l'on remercie :

Javan Ivey

by 2 others
An experimental animation exploring the "Stratastencil" technique that I've devised. Inspired by the Stratacut technique, Stratastencil is an additive process. Stratacut removes material to reveal another layer, while this technique adds another layer while still showing the layer before it. Amateur Baratone Ukulele: myself.

Antoine Antin :: Le Papillon

Louis MUSSO dans l'équipe d'animation ;) Biiiiim !

{ Pretty Cool People Interviews }

In Paris we met with one half of the design duo that makes up Studio Deubal. Deubal is a French creative agency consisting of Stéphanie Lelong and Olivier Marquézy. We fell in love with their original character-based title sequence designs. When we visit Olivier in his studio, he's on his last legs. He's been pulling an all-nighter.


Très bon fil d'animation fait par trois étudiants

Le Houellebecq - type, motion, typographie, cinétique, animation - Dailymotion Share Your Videos

Fabrice luccini dans un élan de virtuosité littéraire, pendant une emission de radio, parlant de michel Houellebecq, retranscrite en typographie cinétique

Film d'animation Cirque Plume

le dessin animé de la compagnie Cirque Plume réalisé par d'après des illustrations de Tania Rinner.

Microsoft Office : mac 2008

by 4 others
Simplify your work / presentation de la suite office mac 2008