public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sanoss

12 May 2007

TwitBin - twitter your browser -

by 1 other
Send and receive messages to all your fellow twitterholics, right from your firefox browser. --> @ sidebar

11 May 2007

The Twitter-clone/twitter-like sites collection - 磨劍廬(thw's BLOG)

by 1 other
twitter不僅是支持通過phone,email,IM更新的微型blog系統(micro-blogging ),同樣也是一個支持rss到 phone,email,IM(RSS alert via SMS, IM, or email)的feed alert系統


by 3 others
Sticky notes & hgihtlight text on any webpage. Share by simply giving somone a URL.

20 款 Jaiku 相關工具

跟 Twitter 相若的服務

10 May 2007

09 May 2007

08 May 2007

07 May 2007



05 May 2007


by 9 others
IM @ web

03 May 2007

» Use HTML signatures in Gmail

edit the "htmlsig.user.js" in Dreamweaver with html code ~ <img src=http:...................jpg>

GoogleSecure –

Forces gMail, gCal, Google Docs, History, Bookmarks and Reader to use (https) secure connection . Pidgin

Pidgin is a GTK+ instant messaging application for Windows and Unix. It supports AIM, ICQ, Jabber/XMPP, MSN, Yahoo!, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, IRC, QQ, SILC, SIMPLE and more.

02 May 2007

Project Management, Time Tracking, Invoicing, Quotes : CreativePro Office

by 1 other
Manage your team, clients, projects, invoices, quotes and events from one web-based application.

01 May 2007

30 April 2007

sanoss's TAGS


limit:50 100 200

1970   4****   5*****   animal   anti-virus   auction   Back_Dorm_boys   beauty   blogger   blue   bookmark   budgeting   butterfly   cartoon   cat   chat   color   company   Contract_law   converter   crm   disc   Dog_Smile   domain   Dragonfly   earth   Ebill   emap   English_learning   excel   Excel_Learning   explorer   fax   Finance_knowledge   Finance_Tool   firefox   flickr   Free_IDD   free_software   funny   gmail   google   greasemonkey   green   gtd   harp   HK   HKSAR   how-to   image   invoice   knowledge_management   lake   learning   lyrics   mail   market   mindmap   music   nature   netvibes   note   office   organize   pdf   Peacock   piano   player   pocketpc   poetic   portable   purple   rainbow   read_later   reference   relax   retirement   rss   sanoss   sanosspc   Save_Money   search   Self_Improvement   skype   smile   storage   sync   system   to-do   translator   twitter   video   Water_Drop   wave   Wealth_Management   web2.0   Web_Tool   wiki   youtube