public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ryanne with tag tech

31 August 2005 06:00


[thursday, 05 may 2005] typedrawing:

flickr fan art group

[thursday, 05 may 2005] created a flickr fan art group today :) feel free to join!!!!

micro icons craze

[friday, 06 may 2005] came across some nifty micro icons today: ipod (a mini icon of a non-mini ipod!!! lol) flickr (fan art again :P) arrow rounded button (neat and clean) folder (white ones always look better, don't they?) pdf (tiniest one ever seen

31 August 2005 05:00

coping with stress

[monday, 06 june 2005] my ways of coping with short-term stress: - play with my cat (you guessed it) XDDD - read my little bro's blog - read m______'s xanga (thou shalt not be named...hahahha) - meet up with some long-lost friends :) - revisit DG -

flickr freebies + trio tickets

[thursday, 09 june 2005] 今天 law firm 發生了一件不愉快事件....不願再提...@__@ 我竟然慢了兩拍, 出了Flickr Schwag 都唔知!schwag [noun]: 1. free/extra goods, usu. given to employees or workers 2. low grade marijuana buy jor tick

31 August 2005 04:00

31 August 2005 03:00

bandwidth attack

[tuesday, 02 august 2005] 轟炸人家的 bandwidth, 實非正人君子所為! 單是八月一日的頭十小時間,便炸了2.7GB...抓破頭也想不明,為何連一個 small potato like me 都不放過?炸了我的網頁又如何?你們以為

you can now comment

[sunday, 14 august 2005] entries are now open for commenting!!! :)

more script hacking to come!

[tuesday, 16 august 2005] what've been done: 1. re-enabling of the comments system 2. search tool (see bottom of page & the archives page) 3. sorting of entries into categories (script hacked!) 4. monthly archives (again on the archives page) what next: 1