public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ryanne with tag china

31 August 2005 19:00

31 August 2005 18:00


[wednesday, 02 march 2005] 董建華 辭職 (被炒) ????!?!?!

31 August 2005 17:00


[wednesday, 06 april 2005] 很沉痛。 已不欲多言,但未能沉默! 嚴烈抗議特區政府 提請人大再再再釋法!!!!!!!!!曾蔭權有香港良心梁愛詩為民主著想內地學者說人大釋法有助鞏固一國兩制

反釋法遊行19 日舉行

[friday, 08 april 2005] From Article 45 Concern Group: Join Our 419 Silent March! To express our regret of the SAR Government’s decision to seek an interpretation by the NPC Standing Committee and our concern for the rule of law in Hong Kong under the "

4.19 Silent March

[wednesday, 20 april 2005] 4.19 Silent March:

banned in china

[monday, 25 april 2005] > andymack (25/4/2005 16:23) : > your web is being banned in china > andymack (25/4/2005 16:23) : > cannot access here [in Shanghai], haha

31 August 2005 05:00

維 園 見 !

by 1 other
[friday, 03 june 2005] 以史為鑑‧毋忘六四 mv 2:46s 13.5mb Blood is on the Square

人心不死 燭光不滅

by 1 other
[saturday, 04 june 2005] 無論雨 怎麼打 自由仍是會開花