public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ronpish with tag graphisme

November 2007

October 2007

September 2007

Mateus Acioli

Ilustrador e designer, disponivel para trabalhos freelance e colaborações. Se tiver uma proposta de trabalho, idéia ou algo que gostaria de dizer, sinta-se à vontade para me escrever.

Elements of Design: A Web Design Showcase

by 1 other
Elements of Design is a different type of web design showcase focusing on specific aspects of web design. It is brought to you by Smiley Cat Web Design Blog.


This weblog is an attempt to transmit some of 20+ years of professional color experience.

leah beeferman

by 1 other
''In my work, I transform elements from my surroundings into interconnected, fantastical landscapes. By removing these structures and objects from their familiar contexts and making them interact, I redefine their roles and relationships. I assemble these objects—individually enlivened by imagination and focused research—into a variety of scenes. There, the real and unreal resemble and reflect one another.''