public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rikuniaku97 with tags &

May 2009

Largest Street Art Exhibition in NYC - "Whole in the Wall"

This street art exhibition (the largest of this kind in NY) explored the transition from the New York underground subculture scene to the mainstream. Important photographers who have documented rare scenes of the street art movement were represented in the show: Martha Cooper, Henry Chalfant, Jamel Shabazz and Silvio Magaglio. The first generation artists of the street scene in New York during the 1970’s and 80’s: Blade, Crash, Daze, JonOne, Lee Quinoñes, Quik , Rammellzee and Sharp produced fresh works alongside their European contemporaries: Victor Ash, Banksy, Blek le Rat, Ikon, Sozy One and sculptor, Plateus who have since entered the pantheon. Site designed and developed by and powered by

May 2007

La Creativite - new design mavericks from France

Website designed and produced by - brought to you by French Trade Office - Ubifrance. This project, a première in the field, aims at rejuvenating the American perception of French products and culture, re-positioning La Belle France as a creative and innovative force in the design world and shining a well-deserved spotlight on this rejuvenated brand of French “je ne sais quoi”. To many Americans, France represents notions of exclusivity, luxury and romance. French culture is at once alluring and aloof, seductive and artistic. Yet, there is an impressive and under-recognized pool of creative French talent represented across the United States – from Atlanta to Boston, San Francisco to New York, Los Angeles to Chicago. While France remains internationally lauded for its established gastronomical greatness, artistic endeavors, and cultural caché, there is an entirely new generation of French creative mavericks. We are poised to redefine “what’s new and now” for the American consumer.