public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rike_ with tag politics


Political Memory - La Quadrature du Net

Political Memory is a toolbox designed to help you reach members of European Parliament (MEPs), and track their voting records. We hope it will help citizens to get to better know their elected representatives, and to allow them to inform them on the issues covered by La Quadrature du Net.


Histoire du mouvement autonome << GoogleMap

Histoire du mouvement autonome » La composante extra-légale du mouvement révolutionnaire de la fin du XXe siècle en Europe de l'Ouest.


Kore Nordmann

PHP / Projects / Politics

The Wassenaar Arrangement

Control Lists - export controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies


makeworlds | border=0 location=yes

Makeworlds paper#4 is a product of collaborative text filtering and appeared in a circulation of 10,000 hard copies on dead tree. It was produced as a collection of associated or complementary or auxiliary text material at the occasion of NEURO--networking europe, from February 26-29 in Munich (DE). But also beyond the actual event the paper will be valuable as a entry point to the various debates, presentations, workshops and audio-visual productions during and around the festival. : faites valoir vos droits

by 2 others
Les "casiers judiciaires bis" mis en place, en toute illégalité, par la police (STIC) et la gendarmerie (JUDEX), sont truffé d'erreurs. Dénoncés depuis des années par nombre de défenseurs des droits de l'homme, ils le sont aussi aujourd'hui par la Commission Nationale Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

Instructables: step-by-step collaboration

by 76 others
share what you make and then others can make it

George Orwell - Eric Arthur Blair. Novels. Essays. Articles. Reviews. Biography. Bibliography.

‘Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’

geopium est un site d'information et de publication relatif aux problématiques de la géopolitique des drogues illicites en Asie. Il sert la diffusion de l'information géographique en proposant des ressources documentaires pour la recherche en sciences humaines, sociales et politiques.

3D Face

This website offers information about the EU project 3D Face: In the near future, digital facial and fingerprint images will be implemented in all European passports, which will eventually lead to worldwide biometric-enabled supported border controls.


Autonomedia is an autonomous zone for arts radicals in both old and new media. We publish books on radical media, politics and the arts that seek to transcend party lines, bottom lines and straight lines. We also maintain the Interactivist Info Exchange, an online forum for discourse and debate on themes relevant to the books we publish.

freiheit gleichheit brüderlichkeit

blog : politik, litteratur auf deutsch


webzine hacktiviste

by 1 other
La liberté comme base L'égalité comme moyen La fraternité comme but

Félix Guattari

by 1 other
l'ouvre de felix guattari dans la revue chimeres et dans terminal, textes a lire et telecharger

[Multitudes Web]

by 6 others
philosphie, politique, art contemporain a tendence capitalisme cognitif ;8


the US National Security Agency's electronic surveillance network, which intercepts most of the world's telephone calls, faxes and emails, making them available for keyword searching by agencies of the five member UKUSA intelligence alliance. [in german]


Ressourcen zur Rote Armee Fraktion, bilder, texte, gerichtsverhandlungen..

MfS der DDR

for the critical reappropriation of the history of the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit der DDR (ex-ministry of secret services of the German Democratic Republic) by some of its ex-employees (in german)

rike_'s TAGS related to tag politics

archive +   armement +   art +   autonomy +   biometrie +   blog +   bookstore +   cartography +   droits +   drugs +   electronics +   europe +   free software +   geography +   hacking +   hacktivism +   heroin +   history +   internet +   literature +   map +   memory +   net +   opium +   philosophy +   php +   police +   politique +   software +   surveillance +   terrorism +   waffen +