public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from result with tags result & output

09 February 2007 14:15

Using the Rake Build Language

by 3 others
The interesting case, of course, is the test. Here the system sees that both compile and dataLoad are dependent on codeGen so it arranges the tasks so codeGen runs first, followed by compile and dataload (in any order) and finally test. Essentially

result's TAGS related to tag result

about +   april +   assist +   auto +   axes +   barriers +   bliki +   blog +   blue +   build +   click +   code +   codes +   color +   combination +   comfort +   comment +   connection +   create +   data +   database +   dependencies +   dependency +   designed +   Difficult +   Dona +   each +   effects +   errors +   faces +   fact +   fibers +   figure +   files +   glasses +   good +   green +   grow +   growth +   hand +   have +   here +   html +   immobilized +   increment +   indecision +   innodb +   language +   letters +   life +   like +   make +   making +   meaning +   mind +   misalignment +   need +   objects +   optimizing +   output +   overcoming +   patient +   people +   performance +   perpendicular +   person +   personal +   place +   post +   power +   problems +   procrastination +   progra +   properly +   queries +   read +   refractive +   represents +   schema +   select +   self� +   separation +   shows +   support +   symbols +   table +   target +   tasks +   text +   there +   things +   this +   time +   tips +   toric +   unsigned +   website +   when +   worn +   zones +