public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from rated with tag definition

April 2008

List of English words without rhymes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

by 37 others
The following is a list of English words without rhymes, i.e. a list of words in the English language which rhyme with no other English words in the sense that they are pronounced in the same way from the vowel sound of the main stressed syllable onwards.

March 2007

Lather, Rinse, Repeat: A Tour of the REPL

by 1 other
From within the environment provided by the REPL, you can define and redefine program elements such as variables, functions, classes, and methods; evaluate any Lisp expression; load files containing Lisp source code or compiled code; compile whole files o

February 2007

LC Interviews Dr. Michael Allen

by 1 other
While there are certainly some advantages in instructor-led training, to be brief, I’ll just focus on just a few of the twelve differences I’ve identified that provide e-learning advantages: