public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from projects with tags education & free

28 February 2007

Sexuality Position

by 3 others
YOUNG women are not heeding the safe sex message, with more than three-quarters of those who are sexually active saying they have had unprotected sex.

19 February 2007

Valuing the Education of All Children Childhood Education - Find Articles

For decades, the author Jonathon Kozol has been working to highlight the inequalities in the U.S. public school system. He has made an immense difference in the lives of countless children living in poverty. The power with which he writes is something to

17 February 2007

Predictors of success in writing in English as a foreign language: reading, revision behavior, apprehension, and writing College Student Journal - Find Articles

by 3 others
Research has shown a consistent relationship between writing apprehension and a variety of measures of competence in English for native speakers of English. High apprehensives score lower on standardized tests of writing (Daly, 1985) and write essays that