public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from projects with tags education & children

11 March 2007

No Child Left Behind

by 8 others
The success of partnerships between states and institutions of higher education will be linked to accountability goals that measure important indicators such as student performance on state assessments, increasing participation of students in advanced cou

02 March 2007

No Child Left - Committed to Repeal of NCLB/Helter-Skelter

by 12 others
Hidden within this law and the rules promoted by the Ed Department are dozens of changes that are untested, unproven and laced with political motives that could do great damage to public education.

19 February 2007

Valuing the Education of All Children Childhood Education - Find Articles

For decades, the author Jonathon Kozol has been working to highlight the inequalities in the U.S. public school system. He has made an immense difference in the lives of countless children living in poverty. The power with which he writes is something to