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PUBLIC MARKS from portailtraductionlitteraire with tag synonymes



by 1 other
WordNet® is a large lexical database of English. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms (synsets), each expressing a distinct concept. […] WordNet superficially resembles a thesaurus, in that it groups words together based on their meanings.


Dictionnaire des synonymes FR/GB

Dictionnaire bilingue très bien fait, avec croquis des "zones de sens". Ressource CNRS.

The Free Dictionary

by 38 others
Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus. Free access.

portailtraductionlitteraire's TAGS related to tag synonymes

Anglais +   antonymes +   dictionnaires +   dictionnaires en ligne +   encyclopédie +   français +   thesaurus +