public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from phumblot

February 2007

Dive Into Accessibility

by 9 others
This book answers two questions. The first question is "Why should I make my web site more accessible?" If you do not have a web site, this book is not for you. The second question is "How can I make my web site more accessible?" If you are not convinced by the first answer, you will not be interested in the second.

Tutorials on Microformats

by 5 others
Microformats enable you to enrich your web pages (HTML, XHTML, RSS, Atom, Blog, XML). They don't affect how your web pages are rendered by a browser. But they have a huge (positive) impact on the ability of web tools to collect, understand, and process the information in your web pages.

Graceful degradation and progressive enhancement

are two sides of the same coin. Both are — in this context — applied to make a web site accessible to any user agent, while providing improved aesthetics and/or usability for more capable browsers. The difference between the two is where you begin your approach.

Highslide JS

by 27 others
Highslide JS, formerly Vevstein Thumbnail Expander, is a piece of JavaScript that streamlines the use of thumbnail images on web pages.


by 4 others
Ergonosearch is a vertical search engine about accessibility and usability, indexing only selected quality ressources : articles and expert blogs, research papers, specialized lists and forums, official specifications and guidelines.

Improving Ajax applications for JAWS users

Popular screen readers use a virtual buffer to allow users to interact with web content. This article uncovers undocumented behaviour in JAWS 7.1 and later, which allows web developers to build Ajax applications that update the virtual buffer without any interaction from the user

Planète Accessibilité - L'actualité francophone de l'accessibilité numérique.

by 7 others
Ce site Web recense et classe les articles récents en provenance de divers sites ou blogs traitant de l'accessibilité numérique. Planète Accessibilité n'apporte aucun contenu d'information supplémentaire, il ne fait que regrouper de récentes publications francophones sur le Web à propos de l'accessibilité numérique.

January 2007

Dark eye

by 19 others
Design rating on many websites

Dynamic Drive CSS layouts

by 14 others
CSS samples to start new layers (left /right columns...)

August 2006

Recherches, expérimentations et discussions autour de l'accessibilité du Web

by 1 other
Blog de Jérôme Mulsant et Sébastien Delorme sur la thématique de l'accessibilité aux malvoyants

Web 2.0, vers une maturité d'ici deux ans

by 2 others
Le cabinet d'études Gartner a publié ce mois-ci son rapport annuel "Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies". Il y établit, pour 36 technologies, le cycle de maturité, l'impact et la vitesse d'adoption sur les 10 années à venir. 300 analystes du Gartner ont pour cela passé au peigne fin plus de 1 900 technologies et tendances du marché.


by 57 others
DotClear est un outil idéal pour installer très rapidement son weblog sur son propre serveur[...] DotClear est excellent, et aucun réel point faible n’est à déplorer.


by 71 others
Blogging software, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability

Online Storage

by 14 others
Comparatif services web pour le stockage en ligne

phumblot's TAGS


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accessibility   accesskey   ajax   bi   blog   bureau   buzz   cairngorm   cas   charts   clever age   css   design   eclipse   exploitation   flex   framework   GMF   hébergement   java   js   ldap   microformats   mobilier   nagios   openid   photoshop   puremvc   screen reader   sdk   search engine   seo   slideshow   software   storage   supervision   svn   web design   web service   zimbra