public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from phumblot

March 2009

February 2009

18 Photoshop Brush Sets for Creating Incredible Lighting Effects

A couple of months ago, we took a look at 28 Powerful Photoshop Lighting Effects. This time I want to show you some of the most incredible Photoshop brushes I’ve found that can be used to create similar stuff. If you have a project coming up that requires some type of lighting effect, you will definitely find these to be very useful.

July 2008

May 2008

Microsoft Business Intelligence

L’offre Microsoft Business Intelligence se structure autour de 3 composants majeurs : * Une plate-forme de Business Intelligence avec SQL Server 2005 * Une solution de gestion de la performance : Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 * Un portail décisionnel collaboratif : SharePoint Server 2007. Les solutions Microsoft Business Intelligence ont pour mission d’étendre la BI à toutes les entreprises et tous les collaborateurs. L’offre garantit des déploiements sans failles et des projets réussis à des coûts extrêmement compétitifs.

April 2008


Work from Jason Gaylor's Collection

March 2008


by 5 others
Web-based LDAP browser to manage your LDAP server

PHP LDAP Address/Phone Book

PHP script to do an LDAP query to Zimbra OpenLDAP

Architecture MVC: Cairngorm ou PureMVC ?

A la différence de Cairngorm, PureMVC ne se contente pas de fournir quelques classes utilitaires simples (le ServiceLocator, le Controleur) et des bonnes pratiques d’utilisation. En effet, il structure plus rigoureusement, et de manière plus souple et plus évolutive, les données, les commandes, les évenements et les vues. Si l’on suit les bonnes pratiques recommandées en s’inspirant des exemples fournis, on obtient rapidement une application réellement bien architecturée, et avec moins de code technique à écrire qu’avec Cairngorm De plus Cairngorm est peu évolutif, contient des manques (par exemple les méthodes result qui ne renvoie rien) et pour dire franchement il faut le patcher pour lacher la puissance des actions. Cairngorm encourage également la pratique du “modèle fourre-tout”, dans lequel on stocke plein de variables globales, et on se retrouve assez vite avec un capharnaüm de données dans ce singleton…. Avec PureMVC, l’approche est un peu différente ce qui évite les écueils ci-dessus et le framework est réellement bien écrit, et très évolutif.

Guasax Framework

Guasax is an ease of use programming framework to provide ordered and scalable Flex applications. Life cycle of guasax framework is based in the MVC pattern to take on our program actions

PureMVC Framework

The only enterprise-class framework to run on any AS3 platform has now been ported successfully to AS2, C#, Java, ColdFusion, Python and PHP with more to come. These Ports are in the Alpha and Beta stages, but they represent an entirely new future for the PureMVC framework.

Nagios Plugins and Add Ons Exchange

Nagios is an open source host, service and network monitoring program. This site is a central repository for plugins to extend its monitoring capabilities and addons, that introduce new features. Click here if you want to learn more about Nagios.

Documentation de Nagios

Nagios est un outil de supervision libre, écrit par Ethan Galdstat. Après avoir participé à la traduction de la documentation de son ancêtre (Netsaint), j'ai continué à l'utiliser et à lui développer des extensions.

SVNKIT :: Subversion for Java

Subversion is a leading and fast growing Open Source version control system. SVNKit brings Subversion closer to the Java world! SVNKit is a pure Java toolkit - it implements all Subversion features and provides APIs to work with Subversion working copies, access and manipulate Subversion repositories - everything within your Java application.

Introducing the GMF Runtime

Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) is a new Eclipse project with the potential to become a keystone framework for the rapid development of standardized Eclipse graphical modeling editors. GMF is divided in two main components: the runtime, and the tooling used to generate editors capable of leveraging the runtime. Architects and developers involved in the development of graphical editors or of plug-ins integrating both EMF and GEF technologies should consider building their editors against the GMF Runtime component. This article is designed to help understand the benefits of the GMF Runtime by presenting its various value-added features.

Learn Eclipse GMF in 15 minutes

This article introduces the Graphical Modeling Framework (GMF) project, shows how to develop a simple Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) model, and transform it into a full-blown graphical editor using GMF's tooling.

April 2007

Handling Keyboard Shortcuts in JavaScript

by 8 others
Despite the many JavaScript libraries that are available today, I cannot find one that makes it easy to add keyboard shortcuts(or accelerators) to your javascript app. This is because keyboard shortcuts where only used in JavaScript games - no serious web application used keyboard shortcuts to navigate around its interface. But google apps like Google Reader and Gmail changed that. So, I have created a function to make adding shortcuts to your application much easier.

Setting & Retrieving Accesskeys with JavaScript and DOM

by 1 other
Accessibility expert Ian Lloyd revisits the accesskey attribute, working with JavaScript and the DOM to enable users to set their own access keys

March 2007

phumblot's TAGS


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accessibility   accesskey   ajax   bi   blog   bureau   buzz   cairngorm   cas   charts   clever age   css   design   eclipse   exploitation   flex   framework   GMF   hébergement   java   js   ldap   microformats   mobilier   nagios   openid   photoshop   puremvc   screen reader   sdk   search engine   seo   slideshow   software   storage   supervision   svn   web design   web service   zimbra