public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tags web & weblogging

January 2007

The Tipping Point for OpenID

« The odds of OpenID succeeding for real mainstream users, however, depends on it being simple and relatively idiot-proof. »


by 2 others (via)
« MonsterID is a method to generate a unique monster image based upon a certain identifier (IP address, email address, whatever). It can be used to automatically provide personal avatar images in blog comments or other community services. »

May 2006

The Blogosphere Mob

"The blogosphere was built on nay-saying the protectionist aspect of the current media. In full circle, the blogosphere has in turn become that protectionist media." Mob, money and power on the web. I like it !

December 2005

Le blogging structuré prend forme

"Le premier avantage, pour moi, du structured blogging est de sortir de ce modèle et de continuer à garder mes contenus sur mon site et à mes conditions."

Structured Blogging Will Flop

by 1 other
"The cognitive effort of classification is enough to keep people from bothering. The same logic holds for structured blogging."

Ben Metcalfe : Me Mena

by 2 others
"Nevertheless, I guess I won't be getting a discount on a MovableType licence in the future !"

Qui est dotBen ?

Weblogging civility : the backchannel incident.

September 2005

June 2005


by 6 others
" would enable end-users to register their favorite tool of choice so that wherever they traveled on the web, by simply clicking on the the 'ReBlg' button - they could easily send that post to their favorite tool". Mouais ?:)

February 2005

Doing as a full-time job

by 5 others (via)
"I recently quit my web design gig and -- as of today -- will be working on as my full-time job. And I need your help".