public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from philippej with tag information

July 2006


by 18 others
" interpersonal information manager that adapts to your changing needs."

June 2006

Wikio Live !

Un digg like qui clignote comme un abre de Noël. M'enerve déjà un peu. Une pause s'impose.

Mon Web 2.0 Yahoo

"...trouver, sauver et partager de l'information sur Internet."

Morale O Meter

A propos d'un site qui vous permet de garder une trace de votre moral au quotidien et de le faire connaitre à votre cercle d'amis ou de collègues.

May 2006

Water resistant

Peut-on mettre une clé USB dans une machine à laver ?

December 2005


Google News + Google Maps : une autre manière visualiser l'information.

November 2005

Google beat

by 7 others
Une visualisation d'une journée de recherche sur Google à travers le monde.

Google Base II

"If we give it the power, it will become the Wal-Mart of the waves–by default if not by design. Is that what you all want? If it is, just continue getting all misty eyed, because you'll need blurred vision not to see what should be right in front of you

Google Base Live, Accepting Content

"The overall goal seems to be put this tool out there and see what people make of it."

Google base

A propos du projet d'indexation de Google.

October 2005

HTML Slidy

by 7 others
Accessible Slide Shows in XHTML.

Google Reader

by 20 others
"Spend your time reading what you care about most". Comme si on avait que ça à faire !

September 2005

How easy is your writing to understand ?

"Clear, simple, easy-to-understand writing is a mark of an excellent communicator. It's worth taking some time and effort to improve. After all, people won't act on information they don't understand".

Revealicious - revealing the way you use

by 13 others
"...a set of graphic visualisations for your account that allow you to browse, search and select tags, as well as viewing posts matching them". Des résultats assez intéressants.

June 2005

Flux RSS d'informations de l'AFP

by 1 other
"Les dernières informations de l'AFP sont désormais disponibles gratuitement et dans la mesure d'une utilisation individuelle et non commerciale, via le flux RSS d'informations AFP".

May 2005

BBC Backstage

by 8 others
"BBC's new developer network".

Backpack observations

by 1 other
"Real men need more than a variation on a wiki to wet themselves from excitement and I remain dry".


by 50 others
Personal information management tool.

Your Identity, Open to All

Information business : "The information itself is not new. But technology has sped up the rate at which it can be obtained and reduced the cost involved".

April 2005


by 9 others
Où ça se passe ? - "Buzztracker is software that visualizes frequencies and relationships between locations in the Google world news directory".

February 2005

S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System

by 43 others (via)
"With one file, you can run a complete slide show and have a printer-friendly version as well".

Information Wants to be Liquid

"...move beyond the basic hypertext linking of the web, and change every word into a "hyperword." Instead of one or two links in a document, every single word becomes a link".

Introducing Y!Q BETA

by 2 others
"Y!Q is the first-of-its-kind contextual search technology that analyzes the contents of the Web page you're viewing and then gives you a list of search results directly related to what you're reading".

Information Convergence ?

"A few thoughts on convergence of content, and RSS in particular".

January 2005

Wikipedia : Folksonomy

by 12 others
"Folksonomy is a neologism for a practice of collaborative categorization using simple tags in a flat namespace".