August 2005
What is RSS, and Why Should You Care ?
Rien de neuf sous le soleil, mais toujours utile pour se rappeler quelques notions de base. A suivre : comment identifier un site web qui publie un fil RSS ?
July 2005
Atom : The Standard in Syndication
"Maintaining interoperability is vital to preserving the medium's effectiveness and openness".
June 2005
The Usability of Subscribing to Feeds
by 2 others"Is there anything we can do to the sites we build to help people subscribe to feeds ?"
April 2005
Gmail adds feed reading
by 4 others"...a new feature in Gmail called Web Clips, which displays little headlines above your inbox or message and is fed via, um, feeds". Pas encore arrivé jusqu'ici :(
March 2005
February 2005
Atom (standard) in Wikipedia
Une toute petite entrée d'Atom dans Wikipedia.
January 2005
How do you stand it ?
Dream or reality of RSS and Atom history :)
Universal Subscription Mechanism
by 5 othersUn mécanisme de souscription universel qui permet d'enregistrer de manière simple un fil RSS dans un agrégateur.
RSS 1.1 : RDF Site Summary (DRAFT)
by 1 other"RSS 1.1 is hence to be considered a bugfix and streamline release of RSS 1.0 for users of RSS 1.0 who do not want to migrate to Atom".
December 2004
The Role of RSS in Science Publishing
by 4 othersUne vision forcément scientifique des fils de syndications.
Video Feeds Follow Podcasting
"With the success of podcasting -- a recent technology that lets anyone subscribe to and play back audio feeds on an iPod -- the natural next step is technology that can do the same with video."