public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag texte

September 2006

Official Google Research Blog: All Our N-gram are Belong to You

by 1 other (via)
Here at Google Research we have been using word n-gram models for a variety of R&D projects, such as statistical machine translation, speech recognition, spelling correction, entity detection, information extraction, and others. While such models have usually been estimated from training corpora containing at most a few billion words, we have been harnessing the vast power of Google's datacenters and distributed processing infrastructure to process larger and larger training corpora. We found that there's no data like more data, and scaled up the size of our data by one order of magnitude, and then another, and then one more - resulting in a training corpus of one trillion words from public Web pages.

June 2006

Accéder aux commandes de Vi et eMacs - JDN Développeurs

Les deux éditeurs phares du monde Unix dissimulent leur complexité derrière des combinaisons de touches. Visites guidées pour chaque outil.

parmentierf's TAGS related to tag texte

corpus +   dev +   emacs +   google +   éditeur +   taln +   vi +   web +