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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags php & svg

March 2008

eZ Components - Documentation - Tutorials

The default driver generates an SVG image

CleverSvg, librairie SVG pour PHP5 - Prendre un Café

un jeu de classes PHP5 destinées à produire des graphiques au format SVG.

February 2008

Something Witty Goes Here » Blog Archive » New XHTML SVG Theme

had to add a little catch in my PHP content negotiation code to force application/xhtml xml when I want to. Anyway, the PHP content negotiation code looks like this:

January 2007

Welcome To CodeDread 1.1

This PHP file allows you to embed an SVG document into your HTML web pages with a single PHP function call. This avoids the inconsistencies across various deployment configurations (for example IE ASV only like embed, Firefox/Opera like object. Instructions for use are included in the file.