public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag jeu

December 2005

Adelian | académie de magie

une école de magie ! Inscris-toi et commence tout de suite ton apprentissage, prends soin de ton personnage, apprend-lui des sorts et des compétences, apprend-lui à combattre et gagne le respect des autres élèves d'Adelian pour le rendre encore plus fort !

October 2005

X-Wars - la troisième légende

X-wars est un jeu de stratégie en ligne, où des milliers de joueurs se rencontrent dans un univers inconnu. Choisis une des quatres races et sept factions, crée ton propre monde, fais tes premiers pas dans un univers inexploré, colonises, construis, cherches, découvres, marchandes, luttes et conquiers! Tu peux modeler tes propres vaisseaux, communiquer avec les autres joueurs et entrer avec eux dans des alliances pour atteindre ton but. Découvres de nouveaux amis et ennemis et montre tes qualités dans un univers plein de surprises.

August 2005

Jeux libres . net : des jeux libres, pour tous !

by 12 others (via)
Bienvenue sur Jeux libres, un catalogue de jeux vidéos libres principalement sous Linux. Ce site est aussi bien destiné à des utilisateurs néophytes dans le domaine, qu'à des personnes connaissant bien Linux. Chaque jeu a une fiche le décrivant, accompagnée de captures d'écrans, de liens, de vos commentaires, et parfois même de ses sources !


by 2 others (via)
The objective of the PlaneShift Team is to create a virtual fantasy world in which a player can start as a peasant in search of fame and become a hero. We will focus our efforts in the reproduction of a real world with politics, economy, many non-player-characters controlled by the server that will bring to life our world even without players connected! We want to give FREE access to everyone, without the need to either purchase the game or pay a monthly fee. Servers and bandwidth will be donated by sponsors. Our virtual world is persistent, and this means you can connect to it at every hour of day or night and you will always find players and npcs wandering our realms. You will be able to disconnect and reconnect again, the server saves the actual status of your character including his possessions. You will use a client program to interact with our world, that enables you to have a 3D view of the surroundings. Here are 10 reasons why you should become a player and a fan of PlaneShift: 1. Planeshift is a great place to find new friends from all over the world! 2. PlaneShift is a virtual world where you always dreamed of living 3. PlaneShift is the first 3D MMORPG to be free for players 4. Thanks to our open development process, the game will be expanded endlessly for years to come 5. Planeshift is a game made by roleplayers to bring you all the immersion you need from a virtual world 6. A unique setting, realistic combat rules, great magic system with hundreds of spells 7. No budgetary constraints will stop development of the world or prevent the addition of new ideas 8. You can build your house, your castle, your realm 9. You have the option to live as an adventurer or as a normal citizen, both paths rewarded in game 10. You can submit comments, ideas, bugs and the dev team will take those into account in future releases

May 2005 - Game Articles & Research

We've compiled a comprehensive database of Artificial Intelligence and Graphics articles specific to games that appeared in game programming books, magazines, conferences, or on the Internet. Most of the articles on this site cannot be searched anywhere else on the Internet.

March 2005

by 8 others (via)
Le jeu des 20 questions. Le principe : vous pensez à un objet, un lieu, une chose, un concept. Grâce à une base de connaissance, 20Q essaye de trouver ce à quoi vous pensez en vous posant moins de 20 questions. S'il trouve en plus de 20 questions, vous gagnez sans gloire. S'il ne trouve pas du tout, vous gagnez avec les honneurs...

February 2005

Battle for Wesnoth

by 7 others, 1 comment
The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Build your army, selecting, from one mission to the next one, your most experienced fighters. Fighters you did recruit among a great number of units, offering various strategic

October 2004


A view from a game designer. A RPG, with NPC-interaction. Not a revolution, but interesting.

June 2004

May 2004

April 2004

Hyjoo - MU Online

Très informatif... des liens vers des serveurs privés de ce jeu massivement multi-joueurs.

Many free MMORPG... News, forums, reviews, ...


A free online RPG!

Vega Strike: Main Page

by 4 others
Vega Strike the 3D Space Simulator that allows you to trade and bounty hunt in a vast universe. Can you face the dangers and decisions that await...

January 2004

Game Studies

by 1 other
the international journal of computer game research