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PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tags dev & framework


SproutCore - What is SproutCore?

by 1 other
SproutCore is an HTML5 application framework for building responsive, desktop-caliber apps in any modern web browser, without plugins.

JavaScript GUI Framework - Ample SDK

by 1 other (via)
Ample SDK is a standard-based cross-browser JavaScript GUI Framework for building Rich Internet Applications. It employs XML technologies (such as XUL, SVG or HTML5) for UI layout, CSS for UI style and JavaScript for application logic. It equalizes browsers and brings technologies support to those missing any.


Rapid application development using the Opera Unite Yusef library - Opera Developer Community

Yusef is a framework for Opera Unite applications that provides ready-made solutions to problems such as form validation, access control, UI templating, and more. A lot of functionality is available through Yusef itself, with even more features made available through Yusef plugins.


Cappuccino Web Framework - Build Desktop Class Applications in Objective-J and JavaScript

by 5 others
Cappuccino is an open source framework that makes it easy to build desktop-caliber applications that run in a web browser.

Solar Framework for PHP 5

by 2 others (via)
Solar is a PHP 5 framework for rapid application development. It is fully name-spaced and uses enterprise application design patterns, with built-in support for localization and configuration at all levels.

Echo2 | Echo Web Framework

Echo is a platform for building web-based applications that approach the capabilities of rich clients. The applications are developed using a component-oriented and event-driven API, eliminating the need to deal with the "page-based" nature of browsers. To the developer, Echo works just like a user interface toolkit.



The Xaja Machine (we will call it Xaja to makes things simpler) is a PHP framework that enables the developer to access the most advanced Web 2.0 features very easily. Xaja is a Reverse Ajax framework, therefore, it enables the server to push data directly to the client. Your applications will become more responsive. Using Xaja, it becomes easy to build applications that need real time data to be send to the user (think about chat program or GMail!).

blueprintcss - Google Code

by 22 others (via)
Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing.

La communauté Francophone du Zend Framework

by 10 others (via)
Le Zend Framework est un projet PHP gratuit fourni par la société Zend. Les objectifs du projet sont les suivants : * Accélérer le développement de sites web * Faciliter la maintenance * Industrialiser la façon de coder en PHP

symfony Web PHP framework

by 76 others (via)
Based on the best practices of web development, thoroughly tried on several active websites, symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. | Plotr

by 3 others
Some time ago I was looking for a charting framework for Prototype and I couldn’t find it, just because there’s none. So that’s where it all started. I came across PlotKit, a well written piece of javascript that enables developers to use Canvas or SVG elements for rendering bar, line and pie charts. The only thing was that PlotKit needed the Mochikit library to work. So I took some parts of PlotKit and wrote some parts myself. The result is a lightweight charting framework (12kb!) named Plotr. It’s released under the BSD license.

ZK - #1 Ajax project in

by 10 others
ZK is an open-source Ajax Web framework that enables rich user interface for Web applications with little programming. With event-driven components and a markup language, developing is as simple as programming desktops and authoring HTML.

mootools - home

by 44 others, 2 comments (via)
MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented javascript framework designed to make writing extensible and compatible code easier and faster. MooTools lets you get the job done efficiently and effectively.

Le blog de Breek - Le comparatif de Rails, Django et CakePHP

by 2 others (via)
Choisir un framework peut être une tâche difficile ! Pour vous aider dans votre choix, nous avons effectué un benchmark fonctionnel couvrant Django, Ruby on Rails, CakePHP.

The Django Book

by 7 others
Welcome to the online version of The Django Book, a free book about Django.

TurboGears: Front-to-Back Web Development

by 15 others (via)
Create a database-driven, ready-to-extend application in minutes. All with designer friendly templates, easy AJAX on the browser side and on the server side, not a single SQL query in sight with code that is as natural as writing a function.


Zend Framework

by 30 others (via)
PHP Powers the Web Now, the world's most popular web programming language gets even better with an easy to use framework for developing the next generation of web applications.