public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from parmentierf with tag collaboratif

14 February 2005 05:00

13 February 2005 13:30

Les Influenceurs

by 2 others
Un site pour recommander un produit (un sur site web en particulier), en affichant une publicité sur son site, et en y associant un article, et ses commentaires, évidemment!

26 January 2005 11:00

21 January 2005 13:15

20 January 2005 10:15

15 December 2004 11:15

13 December 2004 09:00

07 December 2004 15:45

Version beta du service 6nergies, une application de réseau professionnel francophone, écrite avec des outils open source.

20 November 2004 12:15

Alliance Francophone - Folding@Home

Une équipe française de Folding@home (application distribuée pour la recherche médicale sur les protéines)

19 November 2004 21:30

15 November 2004 12:15


by 3 others
A Meta-Search engine, using communities of users. At least in German and French.

09 September 2004 05:30

26 August 2004 14:00

26 August 2004 11:30

06 July 2004 09:45

Main Page - Wikibooks

Wikimedia Foundation textbook project - way more useful than Wikipedia I think

24 June 2004 10:00

11 June 2004 09:15 - fresh links daily

by 6 others
Links posted and moderated by users.

07 June 2004 09:45

13 May 2004 19:30

07 May 2004 11:30

Furl - Your web page filing cabinet

by 41 others
Annotation + recommendations. I'll try it.

29 April 2004 20:15

28 April 2004 06:45


by 16 others
I use it more than LinkedIn

27 April 2004 13:00

23 February 2004 06:30

Annotea project

by 3 others
The W3C's Annotea annotation system is an open, Web-based shared annotation system based on an RDF infrastructure.

30 January 2004 14:30

The Coccinella

by 4 others
Whiteboard, text chat with images, mp3 (Jabber, ICQ, ...) (Windows, Mac, Unix)