You can also detect if the user simply clicks and does not swipe with the click handler
The click handler is passed the original event object and the target that was clicked.
If you use the jquery.ui.ipad.js plugin (http://code.google.com/p/jquery-ui-for-ipad-and-iphone/) you can then also pickup standard jQuery mouse events on children of the touchSwipe object.
Sauvegarder un blogue wordpress vers dropbox
Il existe un plugin sympathique que j’utilise depuis longtemps qui s’appelle “WordPress Database Backup” il permet de faire des backup régulier et automatique. Ce qui est très utile.
Creating Offline Web Applicat...
Creating Offline Web Applications With Dojo Offline
by Brad Neuberg (SitePen), September 23rd, 2007
This tutorial steps you through creating offline web applications using Dojo Offline.
What is Dojo Offline?
Dojo Offline is an open-source toolkit that makes it easy to create sophisticated, offline web applications. It sits on top of Google Gears, a plugin from Google that helps extend web browsers with new functionality. Dojo Offline makes working with Google Gears easier; extends it with important functionality; creates a higher-level API than Google Gears provides; and exposes developer productivity features. In particular, Dojo Offline provides the following functionality:
An offline widget that you can easily embed in your web page with just a few lines of code, automatically providing the user with network feedback, sync messages, offline instructions, and more
A sync framework to help you store actions done while offline and sync them with a server once back on the network
Automatic network and application-availability detection to determine when your application is on- or off-line so that you can take appropriate action
A slurp() method that automatically scans the page and figures out all the resources that you need offline, including images, stylesheets, scripts, etc.; this is much easier than having to manually maintain which resources should be available offline, especially during development.
Dojo Storage, an easy to use hashtable abstraction for storing offline data for when you don't need the heaviness of Google Gear's SQL abstraction; under the covers Dojo Storage saves its data into Google Gears
Dojo SQL, an easy to use SQL layer that executes SQL statements and returns them as ordinary JavaScript objects
New ENCRYPT() and DECRYPT() SQL keywords that you can mix in when using Dojo SQL, to get transparent cryptography for columns of data. Cryptography is done on a Google Worker Pool thread, so that the browser UI is responsive.
Integration with the rest of Dojo, such as the Dojo Event system
DotClear : le plugin Billets Connexes complète le plugin Tags - Opinionz mais en blog
(via)rotte dans la tête vient donc de voir le jour : il est désormais possible d'afficher une liste de billets connexes à un billet source. Super ! Oui en effet. Le principe est simple : on récupère les mots-clés du billet source et on les compare à ceux de la base de données à la recherche d'autres billets. Facile, sympa, sexy.
C'est la classe
Oui on peut le dire, c
(18 marks)