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PUBLIC MARKS from night.kame with tag ios


Microsoft Mission Impossible | Monday Note

When Steve Jobs stepped onto the stage at MacWorld in January, 2007, there were plenty of smartphones on the market. Windows Mobile, Palm Treo, Nokia, Blackberry… But Apple’s iPhone was different. It really was a personal computer with a modern operating system.

Un système d'exploitation moderne ? iOS 1 ? L'hagiographie est en pleine forme. Dans 3 ans il ne sera plus moderne, il sera révolutionnaire.


Daring Fireball Linked List: Character-by-Character Insertion Point Movement in iOS iWork Apps

Update: You can swipe with two fingers to move forward/back a word at a time, and three for the entire line — but I find these gestures hard to use, especially on the iPhone. If they’re not perfectly horizontal they scroll the view.

Nous dit le type qui 5 minutes avant prétendait que quasiment tout était découvrable facilement sous iOS.

night.kame's TAGS related to tag ios

inaccessible +   palmos +   Windows CE +