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PUBLIC MARKS from night.kame with tags "un peu faiblard" & javascript

28 October 2011 22:30

ASCII by Jason Scott / Javascript Hero: Change Computer History Forever

But on the whole I am primarily dealing with artifacts and not experience.  A number of people have done some good work to bring in experience of computer history, most notably the Emulator People. In fact, if you don’t go too crazy on the rococo specifics of the accuracy of emulators, they do really really well to take you from “I wonder what it was like to play Choplifter” to “Wow, I am playing Choplifter“. And as someone sitting in the channels of several emulation projects, I will tell you they are all getting better, every single day – improvements in speed, accuracy, flexibility and expandability.

So here is what I’d like to do.

I want to help port the MESS and MAME emulators to Javascript.

Bonjour le boulot pour émuler correctement les systèmes multi-processeurs ou à co-processeurs, et encore plus pour les systèmes sans horloge (pas que la gestion des timings en Javascript soit boulversante...)

night.kame's TAGS related to tag "un peu faiblard"

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