public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from night.kame with tag java


9 Fallacies of Java Performance

Empirical studies have shown that human beings cannot normally perceive changes in numeric data (e.g. price movements) occurring more frequently than once every 200ms.

Consequently for applications that have a human as their primary user, a useful rule of thumb is that Stop-The-World (STW) pause of 200ms or under is usually of no concern. Some applications (e.g. streaming video) need lower GC jitter than this, but many GUI applications will not.

Voilà, pas la peine de tuer la machine à rafraichir trop souvent, 5Hz ça suffit.


Open Source: Protecting the future of Java | SCN

An interesting observation is obviously that the participants include key vendors such as Oracle, Red Hat, Apple, IBM, and SAP that in various regards are competitors in the marketplace. But there is less and less reason to compete on Java Virtual Machine and Java Development Kit features where the same requirements are implemented differently. Based on this experience, SAP today decided to significantly increase its contributions.

High Scalability - High Scalability - Tumblr Architecture - 15 Billion Page Views a Month and Harder to Scale than Twitter

by 1 other

Node.js wasn’t selected because it is easier to scale the team with a JVM base. Node.js isn’t developed enough to have standards and best practices, a large volume of well tested code. With Scala you can use all the Java code. There’s not a lot of knowledge of how to use it in a scalable way and they target 5ms response times, 4 9s HA, 40K requests per second and some at 400K requests per second. There’s a lot in the Java ecosystem they can leverage.


Make Eclipse formatter ignore comments? - Stack Overflow

There is another solution that you can use to suppress the formatting of specific block comments. Use /*- (note the hyphen) at the beginning of the block comment, and the formatting

won't be affected if you format the rest of the file.

On peut apprendre tous les jours.


Devoxx – L’avenir de Java | Blog Xebia France

Maven est de nos jours omniprésent dans les entreprises. Cet outil s'est imposé au fil des années comme un standard dans la gestion des dépendances Java : même ses concurrents tels qu'Ivy ou Gradle sont basés sur le système de définition des modules de Maven et sur son réseau de dépôts.

Maven s'est en effet imposé dans le lavage de cerveau dans certaines entreprises. Ce qui conduit ces experts sous le coup de l'imposition à écrire des bêtises sur Ivy et Gradle (Gradle utilisant Ivy, c'est même de la méconaissance en double-couche).

Scratch Where It's Itching : Weblog

I will choose only one example of typical mistakes that this warning can show. After that, you will, like me, consider turning this Warning into an Error


Twitter / Hani: GAE = Hoping for a hot dat ...

GAE = Hoping for a hot date, but ending up in a dark alley crying softly, anally bleeding, after an accident with a gaggle of big black men.

Java Profiling «

I hope somebody in the TPTP project reads this: your stuff is unusable. If there’s a magic combination of settings that makes this shit work as it should: I missed it, your documentation was useless, the most useful suggestion I found was to not use TPTP. No I don’t want to fiddle with cryptic vm commandline parameters, manually compiling C shit, fiddle with well hidden settings pages, etc. All I wanted was right click, profile.

So am I now a Netbeans user? No way! I can’t stand how tedious it is for coding. Run profiler in Netbeans, go ah, alt tab to eclipse and fix it. Works for me.

Bien dit !

akuma: Embeddable daemonization library -

by 1 other (via)

This is a Java library you can use in your application to support Unix daemonization. By taking advantages of POSIX API, this library lets you fork your process into background with proper daemonization steps.


The Aquarium: News from the GlassFish Community

SpringSource has announced the acquisition of G2One the Groovy and Grails specialist company. Congrats to both! [...] Maybe SpringSource will be able to finish JSR 241? It has been more than 4 years since the EG formed...

La bonne blague !

glassfish: Comparing v2 and v3

Modular Architecture Based on OSGi

La sémantique retenue pour Glassfish est intéressante. Même si la JSR 291 est finalisée depuis deux ans, ils restent sur la dénomination (plus politique) d'OSGi. Pendant ce temps, JSR 277 reste dans les limbes.

Tynamo(TM) Home

Welcome to the home page of Tynamo™, a fast, conditionally compliant HTTP/1.1 server and Servlet 2.2 container for embedded Java platforms.

"Oh My Gosh" comme on dit dans EM:HE.

Twitter / Hani: Who knew that Spring's dis ...

Who knew that Spring's dislike of the JBoss people was nothing more that petty jealousy, rather that righteous indignation.

Le Bileblog vit toujours, mais à un rythme ralenti.

Qi4j: REST EntityStore and SPARQL EntityFinder = rich client web apps!

For the finder part I have implemented a SPARQL backend, which internally delegates to Sesame2, which is the same default index/query that is used to find Entities in general. This in itself is pretty cool, because it means that you can write your domain model in Java, have it be automatically persisted in a store like Neo4j, and then with no extra effort expose it through SPARQL for AJAX webapps to consume (both RDF/XML and JSON output is supported today). Minimally writing a domain model only involves writing Java interfaces (no classes), so it's pretty easy to get started.

Tant de choses à tester...

Livescribe :: Never Miss A Word

Le stylo qui enregistre ce que vous écrivez ainsi que le son ambiant, c'est déjà génial comme outil de conception. Mais en plus avec un kit de développment prévu gratos en Java. Hmmm...


Daring Fireball Linked List: October 2007

Java on Mac OS X has gotten so bad that James Gosling, creator of Java and Sun’s developer platform CTO, has switched from a MacBook to a notebook running Solaris. What an outrage that the best platform to develop for Sun’s Java is Sun’s own operating system.

Sauf qu'avec OS X, on avait enfin une plateforme pour laquelle on pouvait compter de base sur Java. Maintenant il est plus facile d'avoir un Java à jour sous Debian que sous OS X : un comble. Et la meilleure plateforme pour développer sous Java reste Windows... il faut dire que Gosling développe sous NetBeans, dont les performances sont réellement multiplateforme : à part sous Tiger, où NetBeans réussit l'exploit d'être plus lent que d'habitude.

Home - Superficial

Superficial is a fresh approach to designing and coding GUI applications that bridges the gap between high-level architectural concepts such as Model-View-Controller, and low-level widget toolkits such as Java Swing.

2007, le monde Java est toujours peuplé d'ignorants qui pensent que Swing est bas niveau est que MVC est de plus haut niveau. Heureusement, ils sont moins abrutis que ceux qui pensent sincèrements que Struts et tous les autres machins qui ont suivi sont une implémentation de MVC...


simple-jndi - Simple-JNDI

Fournisseur JNDI autonome, qui permet d'avoir facilement des DataSource et des pools de connexions en environnement de test.


"The Xinclude-based Re-Use Support System, Toy (XIRUSS-T) is an experimental system intended to both demonstrate basic techniques in managing compound documents and provide a sandbox for exploring various content management and link management problems and their solutions."

SAP Enterprise Portal

Bon article survolant les possibilités d'intégration de SAP avec d'autres technologies en fonction des versions de SAP. Découvrez le monde merveilleux de tRFC/RFC/RFM, iDoc, BAPI, SAPBC, NetWeaver, XI... pfiou.

Java Community News - Geir Magnusson on Geronimo, Harmony, Open Source

Encore un drone qui nous abbreuve d'un discours pro-Apache, très méprisant vis-à-vis des autres collectifs open source, par simple dénis de leur existence et de leurs projets. Ce discours tend à les présenter comme innovant, mais là c'est plutôt innovant à la MicroSoft.

To Sun: is not a spooge receptacle

La blague du jour dans ce petit monde... JSF, et vous, vous commencez quand ?


Zaval Java Resource Editor

Editeur tout à fait correct pour synchroniser plusieurs fichiers de traductions au format Java Properties.