public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from night.kame with tags "don't hire me" & ruby

01 February 2012 07:30

Unlimited Novelty: "Can you solve this problem for me on the whiteboard?"

Le blogueur.

My attitude is if I'm a good Ruby programmer, and you're trying to hire me when the supply for Ruby programmers is low and demand is high, that before you even talk to me you've spent at least 10 minutes Googling for my name, looking at my code, and figuring out who I am, rather than spending an hour subjecting me to a series of ad hoc programming questions in areas I may or may not specialize in. That 10 minutes of Google will tell you a lot more than asking me to come in and scribble stuff on a whiteboard.

Le commentateur.

I take your point about the interviewer asking appropriate questions for the interview. But it sounds to me like you're telling me your skills as a coder don't extend to making your ideas and plans understood without handing someone actual finished Ruby code, written on a laptop. If that's the case, then I can't work with you.

Je suis plutôt de l'avis du commentateur : quand on embauche un développeur, ça n'est pas pour travailler avec un sociopathe qui ne voit la vérité que dans son code. En même temps, c'est un Rubyiste, donc c'était à craindre.

night.kame's TAGS related to tag "don't hire me"

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