public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag wikipedia



List of commercial games released as freeware - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Commercial games released as freeware are games that, in their original license, were not considered freeware, but were re-released at a later date with a freeware license, sometimes as publicity for a forthcoming sequel or compilation release.


Google Code FAQ - GearsMonkey: Google Gears + Greasemonkey to take Wikipedia offline

By using Google Gears with the Firefox Greasemonkey plugin, you can inject Gears code into any website that you want. Don't wait for your favorite website to enable offline support -- do it yourself. - Using Wikipedia as a Web Database

by 7 others (via) is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia and to link other datasets on the Web to Wikipedia data.

ongoing · Tag Scheme?

For the tags to be interoperable and meaningful across weblogs, one could start using '' as the scheme

Citizendium envoie ses experts à l'assaut de Wikipedia

Afin de limiter le cyber-vandalisme, Wikipedia a choisi de s'appuyer sur les wikipediens les plus actifs, promus au rang d'administrateurs, pour assurer une sorte de police. Mais pour Larry Sanger, cela ne suffit pas. Le co-fondateur de Wikipedia, par ailleurs docteur en philosophie, veut redonner le contrôle éditorial de l'encyclopédie à de véritables experts.


Pathway - About Pathway

Pathway is an app designed to solve the aforementioned problems. Its aim is to help you discover Wikipedia without having to worry whether you'll have enough time to read everything you want, or if you'll get lost. It accomplishes this by presenting you with a graphical "network" representation of your visited article pages.

Index des numéros de Réponses Photo - Wikipédia

Cet index présente une partie des numéros du magazine Réponses Photo

Portail:Photographie - Wikipédia

by 5 others
Le portail Wikipedia sur la photographie, impressionnant !!!


Wikipedia - online initiation in marketing - Marketing Planet

by 1 other
In the world of internet, Wikipedia cannot be ignored. It is the first online encyclopaedia that can be enriched by various people and that exists in different languages. As a result, it increases almost daily and enables to display different viewpoints and evolutions.