public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags webdev & web

February 2009

Cufon, nouvelle alternative pour intégrer des polices TrueType et OpenType au web - Alsacréations

by 1 other
Voici désormais Cufón dont l'approche ressemble à celle de typeface.js. Le site se propose de générer un fichier JavaScript à inclure sur votre site, comprenant les tracés vectoriels calculés à partir du fichier de police fourni (formats TTF, OTF, PFB).

January 2009

slayeroffice | tools | Mouseover DOM Inspector v2.0 Help

by 9 others
The Mouseover DOM Inspector, or MODI for short, is a favelet (also known as a bookmarklet) that allows you to view and manipulate the DOM of a web page simply by mousing around the document.

Faut-il avoir peur du « clickjacking » ?

« les [...] iFrames peuvent être ouvertes avec de simples feuilles de style CSS » ??? Va falloir qu'on m'explique...

Introduction à WAI ARIA (traduction) | Les intégristes

Après avoir lu cet article, vous comprendrez à quoi sert ARIA, comment l’intégrer à vos sites, et comment l’utiliser dès immédiatement et même sur le plus simple des sites pour le rendre plus accessible.

December 2008

24 ways, calendrier de l'avent du dev Web

by 70 others, 1 comment
C'est un must read chaque année, alimenté par des pointures internationales du développement Web (à base de standards évidemment)

July 2008

April 2008

Equidistant Objects with CSS - CSS-Tricks

by 5 others
Creating a horizontal row of objects that are equidistant from each other is another one of those things in web design that is much more difficult than it should be. This can be a very useful thing to do, especially in fluid width layouts when you are try

pootle:index - Translate Toolkit & Pootle

by 2 others
Pootle is a user-friendly web portal that makes the translation process so much simpler. It allows online translation, work assignment, gives statistics and allows easy volunteer contribution.

March 2008

How To Optimize Your Site With HTTP Caching | BetterExplained

by 2 others
Caching is a great example of the ubiquitous time-space tradeoff in programming. You can save time by using space to store results. Fewer downloads means a faster, happier site.


by 10 others
An activity diagram to describe the resolution of HTTP response status codes, given various headers.

Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs

by 2 others
Microsoft is making a large investment in unifying our developer platform protocols for services on the open, standards-based Atom format (RFC 4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)