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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag url



YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener

by 5 others
"YOURLS is a small set of PHP scripts that will allow you to run your own URL shortening service (a la TinyURL). You can make it private or public, you can pick custom keyword URLs, it comes with its own API. You will love it."

Twitmark – Social bookmarking 140 characters at a time

by 1 other is a social bookmarking service which fetches links sent on Twitter by you and your friends, bookmarks them and republishes them to your favourite bookmarking service.


Des URL avec caractères accentués - Carnet Web de Pascal

Dans Firefox 3, on peut taper les noms de fichiers et chemins dans l'URL avec leurs accents, ou bien dans des langues utilisant un alphabet différent (l'arabe par exemple)


WWW FAQs: What is the maximum length of a URL?

Although the specification of the HTTP protocol does not specify any maximum length, practical limits are imposed by web browser and server software.

#1148 (URL propres arborescentes) - SPIP - Trac

Enfin des URL propres arborescentes génériques avec SPIP !

Sveinbjorn Thordarson's Website - Using Data URLs Effectively with Cascading Style Sheets

Data URLs are a clever way of embedding images in HTML. Instead of linking to an image stored locally on the server, the image is provided within the URL itself as a base64-encoded string of data preceded by a mime-type. In this article I discuss how Data URLs can be effectively used to optimize website loading times and performance.

Sveinbjorn Thordarson's Website - DataURLMaker

by 2 others (via)
This page contains a CGI program called the "Data URL Image Generator". If you select an image file and submit the form below, you get a Data URL for the image, as per the RFC specification for Data URLs.

About at The geoURI scheme

The ‘geo’ Uniform Resorce Identifier (URI) aims to facilitate, support and standardize part of the interaction with geospatial services and applications. Accessing information about or trigger further services based on a particular place on earth shouldn’t be any harder than writing an email by clicking on a ‘mailto:’ link.

Why you should be using disambiguated URLs

by 4 others
There’s one aspect of URL design that is often ignored. Good URLs should be unambiguous. By that, I mean that any logical piece of content should have one and only one definitive URL, with any alternatives acting as a permanent redirect.

Cite Bite - Link directly to specific quotes in web pages

Encore mieux que TinyURL, pour pointer directement vers un fragment de page.



by 1 other
url2bmp est un freeware Windows qui transforme une URL en une image

Kevin Lynch: Making Rich Internet Apps Web-Friendly

by 1 other (via)
Modifier l'URL courante depuis un flash permet à l'utilisateur de faire un bookmark

Andrei Zmievski: Pasting Wrapped URLs

by 1 other (via)
if you copy a URL wrapped over multiple lines from somewhere and try to paste it into the address bar, you will end up only with the first line of it. To fix it, go to about:config and change editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines setting to 3

Utilisabilité des adresses web - Ergolab

by 4 others (via)
Les adresses web sont à la fois un moyen d'accès, de navigation et de communication pour le web. En tant que telles, elles induisent des problématiques d'ergonomie.

Nice titles

by 17 others (via)
Des liens plus descriptifs

Extension Room :: TinyURL Creator

This extension brings the functionality of closer to your fingertips. It will convert a long URL into a small, more managable one which is easier to share through email and instant messanger. This feature is useable from the Tools menu or as a Toolbar Element (Firefox).

Utilisabilité des adresses web - Ergolab

by 1 other (via)
Les adresses web font partie de notre environnement. Leur "vie ergonomique" commence dès l'instant où elles sont communiquées: il faut qu'elles soient perçues, analysées, lues ou entendues, cliquées, mémorisées, notées, dictées, tapées sur un clavier, etc.