public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags standards & groupe:clever-age


Opera Web Standards Curriculum

Opera et Yahoo! nous aident à apprendre à développer des sites Web en exploitant au mieux les standars. Miam !

Tripoli - a CSS standard for HTML rendering

by 3 others
Tripoli is a generic CSS standard for HTML rendering. By resetting and rebuilding browser standards, Tripoli forms a stable, cross-browser rendering foundation for your web projects.


Home | Email Standards Project

by 22 others
Our goal is to help designers understand why web standards are so important for email, while working with email client developers to ensure that emails render consistently. A community effort to improve the email experience for both designers and readers

The hidden battle between web services: REST versus SOAP

by 2 others (via)
Almost everyone has at least heard of SOAP. Few people have heard of REST. But both are jockeying for the mindshare of developers trying solve problems building applications on the web. REST by virtue of existing, and SOAP largely by virtue of backing by software vendors and standards bodies.


Microsoft Expands Document Interoperability: Company to sponsor open source project for Open XML-ODF file translation to deliver more choice for government customers and their constituents.

by 2 others
“OpenXML represents a paradigm shift not only in its architecture but also in the customer needs it serves, opening organizations’ existing documents to take advantage of new content management and collaboration scenarios that weren’t possible even as recently as a few years ago ,” said Frédéric Bon, CEO of Clever Age. “Through the documentation Ecma International is creating and work such as the Open XML Translator project, customers will soon have the confidence that Open XML and ODF formats can coexist and new document scenarios will flourish. We are looking forward to working with the community of developers and businesses interested in XML documents.”



by 10 others
Des polonais doués en design web

Max Design - A webstandards checklist

by 15 others (via)
A site built to web standards should adhere to standards (HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSLT, DOM, MathML, SVG etc) and pursue best practices (valid code, accessible code, semantically correct code, user-friendly URLs etc)

Temesis : qualité, accessibilité et conformité - Article : Conformité, validation et surqualité (I)

by 2 others
Est-il possible et souhaitable pour un site de grande importance ou qui recueille des contenus de la part de ses utilisateurs, voire d’un certain nombre de contributeurs d’atteindre et de conserver durablement la conformité absolue de toutes ses pages aux standards ? Existe t-il des cas où la recherche de la conformité à tous prix peut nuire à la qualité du site ?

[] Internet Explorer est le Netscape 4 moderne

Pourquoi ce site a-t-il une présentation différente sous Internet Explorer et sous un navigateur moderne ? Parce qu’à un moment ou à un autre, il faut apprendre à lâcher prise.

The Web Standards Project

Not only has Microsoft offered an open door to WaSP’s criticism and ultimate assistance, but individual developers there are expressing a lot of enthusiasm about our relationship

CMS et bonnes pratiques HTTP - Blog & Blues - Standards Web et accessibilité

Ce petit problème, très spécifique et ponctuel, est en effet révélateur d'un pan entier de la qualité Web pour lequel les CMS ont un rôle clé à jouer. Encore faut-il qu'ils le prennent en compte.