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Optimisation des performances de PHP sous Oracle et OCI8 : Ergonomie, Rails et Architecture de l'information web (2.0)

excellente présentation faite par Oracle traitant de l’optimisation des performances de PHP dans un environnement base de données Oracle avec le driver OCI8

Livre Blanc : Frameworks PHP pour l’entreprise

by 2 others
Un livre blanc présentant les frameworks majeurs disponibles pour PHP, en mettant en évidence leurs zones de confort et inconfort

WSO2 Web Services Framework for PHP | WSO2 Oxygen Tank

by 2 others
WSO2 WSF/PHP is a complete solution for building and deploying Web services, and is the only PHP extension with the widest range of WS-* specification implementations


Installer Symfony sous Mac OS X avec MAMP - Glagla Dot Org

Symfony est un framework RAD PHP vraiment interessant. Voici un rapide tutoriel pour l'utilisez sous OS X avec MAMP.

Amazon Web Services Developer Connection : Test Utility for Amazon SQS in PHP

This is a simple PHP 5 application demonstrating the basics of how to interact with Amazon SQS


dompdf - The PHP 5 HTML to PDF Converter

by 5 others
dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter. At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) CSS2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP. It is a style-driven renderer: it will download and read external stylesheets, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports most presentational HTML attributes.

Frameworks PHP : Symfony, inachevé ? - Blog - Veille - Clever Age

by 10 others, 1 comment
Notre objectif n’est pas de faire la critique absolue de Symfony, mais bien plutôt de mettre le doigt "là où ça fait mal", afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de ce formidable outil qui arrive très bientôt en 1.0 ! Et vérifier un vieil adage, par la même occasion : "qui aime bien châtie bien" !

The Idea Basket » Blog Archive » Winning the PHP 5 Framework Wars

The race is on to take a bite out of the Web development platform pie and become the dominant PHP 5 framework. Who are the players? What are the stakes? Who will win? This essay will spell it all out for you in black and white.

alphaWorks : IBM Generic Web Services Client Tool : Overview

This tool is designed for testing existing Web services from a LAMP environment. When given a Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) specification, this tool is capable of secure and non-secure calls :: Articles :: Rails-inspired PHP frameworks

by 3 others
There are various articles online examining many PHP frameworks, providing short reviews or comparative charts, but I could not find yet an article examining the so called “Rails-inspired frameworks” anywhere on the web, so I decided to write my own…

Gentoo Linux Documentation -- Configure Apache to work with PHP4 and PHP5

There are many ways to make Apache work with two PHP versions in parallel. The easiest way is to use PHP4 and PHP5 as a CGI binary, or PHP4 as CGI binary and PHP5 as Apache module (or the other way around).


Poo-tee-weet - blog

a show case of some of the new features in MDB2. especially to demo some PHP5 specific features

Moving Legacy PHP4 apps to PHP 5.1 | PHP Everywhere

Today, started to test moving some of our PHP4 apps to PHP5.1.1. Some of this code was written for PHP 4.0.6, over 3 years ago. The migration so far has been relatively painless. Here are some of the problems we encountered.

Flickr API Fun - Rasmus' Toys Page

by 2 others
This entry will focus on my PHP wrapper for the Flickr API. It is based on Cal's version and is compatible with it, but it expands on it and puts some PHP 5.1 features to good use.


wsdl2php is a very simple tool for PHP 5 to generate client code against a WSDL-file

RSS 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0 and Atom 1.0 Parser

RSS 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0 and Atom 1.0 Parser This is a bit of a fuzzy parser that doesn't follow the specs very closely but it gets close enough for my needs. Rasmus Lerdorf, August 2005.

Zend Technologies - PECL Tutorials - Introducing Service Data Objects for PHP

Service Data Objects (SDOs) have been around in the Java technology world since November 2003. They are designed as a means of simplifying and unifying working with heterogeneous data sources. In February 2005, IBM and Zend announced a strategic partnership to collaborate on the development and support of the PHP environment. One aspect of this collaboration has been the definition and implementation of SDOs for PHP. This article gives an overview of SDOs and the motivations for using them in the PHP environment. A simple contact management scenario is used to illustrate key concepts.

What's New in PHP 5

This book covers PHP 5 and its new features in great detail. However, for those of you familiar with PHP 4, and are eager to know what is new in PHP 5, then this chapter is for you.

Transition du XSL de PHP4 xslt à PHP5 xsl

Lors de l'évolution de PHP4 à PHP5, un certain nombre de modifications sont nécessaires dans les scripts. En PHP4, pour gérer du XSL, il fallait utiliser l'extension xslt, qui était expérimentale. En PHP5, cette extension a été remplacée par l'extension xsl, toujours expérimentale.

Code Coverage Support for PHP 5

Code coverage is basically the idea that when I execute an application I want to know exactly which lines of code got executed. When you put that in the context of a test suite, it can tell you exactly how effective your test suite is at testing your code base.

Time and Date in PHP 5.1 (PDF)

Enfin la fin des galères de dates avec PHP ???