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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags php & api


CloudFusion™ - Build awesome, cloud-based web applications in a fraction of the time!

"CloudFusion is a fast, easy-to-use toolkit for the world's most popular cloud computing services."



Integrate your PHP application with Google Calendar

Google Calendar allows Web application developers to access user-generated content and event information through its REST-based Developer API. PHP's SimpleXML extension and Zend's GData Library are ideal for processing the XML feeds generated by this API

Dan Grossman - Open Calais Tags

by 1 other
Open Calais Tags is a PHP class for extracting entities from text using Open Calais. Calais performs semantic analysis of the text, using natural language processing to identify concepts like people, companies and technologies discussed in the text


Zend Framework

Zend_Service_Flickr est une API simple pour utiliser le service Wev REST de Flick. Pour pouvoir utiliser lew services Web Flickr, vous devez avoir une clé d'utilisation de l'API.


:: Design for a better internet :: Open Source by Ted Forbes ::

by 3 others (via)
Satellite™ is an online application for displaying a gallery of images remotely from your account. It can be used as an off the shelf website that uses the Flickr API to make calls to your Flickr account so you can take full advantage of Flickr's Organizr and keyword capabilities which are then mirrored on your personal site.

Du Flickr dans Spip - Roudoublog

Petit bilan à propos de ma tentative d'exploiter l'api de flickr depuis les squelettes de Spip


Flickr API Fun - Rasmus' Toys Page

by 2 others
This entry will focus on my PHP wrapper for the Flickr API. It is based on Cal's version and is compatible with it, but it expands on it and puts some PHP 5.1 features to good use.

ServicesBlogmarksPhpClient - Blogmarks - Trac

by 1 other (via)
A PHP Client to the Atom API » Freetag - an Open Source Tagging / Folksonomy module for PHP/MySQL applications

by 22 others (via)
Freetag is an easy tagging and folksonomy-enabled plugin for use with MySQL-PHP applications. It allows you to create tags on existing database schemas, and access and manage your tags through a robust API.

php, caching and the flickr api |

by 1 other (via)
Here's a simple example using PHP to access and cache requests to the Flickr API. This is the method I use for the flickr world map.