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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags photo & google


Most interesting geotagged flickr images - Google Maps

Les photos les plus intéressantes de Flickr positionnées sur les cartes Google Maps grâce à Yahoo!Pipes

geotagged - Nicolas Hoizey's Tagged Photos - Google Maps

Mes dernières photos sur Google Maps en 10 secondes grâces aux flux GeoRSS de Flickr !

gpicsync - Google Code

by 2 others
GPicSync automatically inserts location in your photos metadata so they can also be used with any 'geocode aware' application like Picasa/Google Earth, Flickr,, etc.

geotagged - Nicolas Hoizey's Tagged Photos - Google Maps

Mes dernières photos sur Google Maps en 10 secondes grâces aux flux GeoRSS de Flickr !

iCraig - Software - iPhotoToGoogleEarth

iPhotoToGoogleEarth is a plugin for iPhoto 6 that will export photos for viewing in Google Earth. To make the most of iPhotoToGoogleEarth you'll need to have GPS infomation stored in the Exif tags. If you don't know what that means this plugin probably isn't for you.

Spot Image - Google delivers higher resolution on Google Earth through agreement with French Spot Image

Under a multi-year agreement, Spot Image will provide Google Earth with 2.5 meter resolution imagery taken from the SPOT 5 satellite


Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Google Acquires Wiki Company Jotspot

by 1 other
Google’s office strategy just got a whole lot richer with the announced acquisition of the wiki based company Jotspot. A business oriented service that plugs a long list of different applications like calendars and photo sharing into a wiki framework, we called Jotspot “the best business-facing hosted wiki available” when we reviewed its newest iteration this summer.

Picasa Web Albums

by 5 others (via)
Voilà enfin le Flickr killer de Google, logiquement relié à Picasa !


Google Sightseeing

by 1 other
Google Sightseeing is brought to you by Alex, James & Olly who take you to the best tourist spots in the world via Google Maps' satellite imagery.