public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag javascript

June 2005

ActiveWidgets :: Professional JavaScript GUI tools

by 17 others
ActiveWidgets offers advanced javascript grid control and is working to provide complete client-side GUI solution in the near future.

FlexySvn, a XUL / JS / PHP / SVN Browser

by 1 other
Un excellent browser de repository Subversion en XUL


by 6 others
Des onglets en CSS et JavaScript

Equivalent javascript des propriétés de CSS -

by 2 others (via)
Voici une liste assez complète des equivalents entre les appels javascript et les propriétés de CSS.

May 2005

The Strange Zen Of JavaScript

by 8 others (via)
We got your Ajax right here.

Showing and Hiding a DIV using CSS and Javascript

by 8 others (via)
Attention, ne fonctionne pas si le JavaScript est désactivé !

Textarea tools

by 22 others (via)
diferentes utilitats per les textarea

objets : créer une classe (2)

by 2 others (via)
Créer une classe et des objets en Javascript

April 2005

FlickrJS:: A wrapper for Flickr API

by 4 others
FlickrJS is a wrapper to use the Flickr API from javascript through xmlhttprequest’s. Or, in a more fancy way, using AJAX techniques to get data without reload the whole page. By including only a .js file you get access to the whole Flicrk API. You don’t need to know how the request have to be done, or how the XML have to be parsed. The wrapper do all the jobs and lets you specify a callback function on each Flickr Method.

SAJAX - Simple Ajax Toolkit by ModernMethod - XMLHTTPRequest Toolkit for PHP

by 49 others (via)
Sajax is an open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework — also known as XMLHTTPRequest or remote scripting — as easy as possible. Sajax makes it easy to call PHP, Perl or Python functions from your webpages via JavaScript without performing a browser refresh. The toolkit does 99% of the work for you so you have no excuse to not use it.

Traduction : Remplacement Dynamique de Texte - pouipouidesign v.5 ... et pourquoi pas ? ©2005

by 10 others
Voici donc la traduction de l'article de Stewart Rosenberger sur A List Apart, intitulé Dynamic Text Replacement, et qui traite d'un procédé permettant de remplacer dynamiquement, à la volée, des "bouts de texte" par leur équivalent image dans la police/couleur/taille que vous aurez choisi, tout en respectant les standards et l'accessibilité. Il s'agit de deux scripts, un PHP et un JavaScript, associés à deux trois règles CSS, et vous voilà parti ! Les commentaires des deux scripts ont eux aussi été traduits en français.

JavaScript Shell

A command-line interface for JavaScript and DOM

Code Snippets: "next gen" bookmarklet [javascript] [bookmarklet]

by 3 others
With this code, create "next generation" bookmarklets. The good points are that : - the code is remotely loaded (so updatable and more simply testable) - you have no length limitation - you can dispatch the code in various libaries

March 2005

February 2005