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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags javascript & image


jQuery maphilight documentation

"maphilight applies to images with a 'usemap' attribute, and outlines the areas defined in their map on mouseover."

Pixastic: JavaScript Image Processing Library

Pixastic is an experimental library which allows you to perform a variety of operations on images using just a bit of JavaScript. The effects supported out of the box include desaturation/greyscale, invert, flipping, brightness/contrast adjustment, hue/saturation, emboss, blur, and many more.


Du texte mouvant qui habille une image fixe

Excellente utilisation conjointe de SPIP et jQuery pour « faire circuler le texte autour d’une image (en jargon typographique : "habiller l’image avec le texte"), cette image étant fixe dans la page, et le texte conservant ses possibilités de déplacement vertical »

Showcasing the CSS Parallax Effect: 12 1 Creative Usages [Update2] › Blog › » Matthias Kretschmann | Photography

I mean Parallax Scrolling which is a technique often used in good ol’ arcade and video games like Moon Patrol or Sonic the Hedgehog. In such 2D games parallax scrolling was used to create an illusion of three dimensional depth.

How to recreate Silverback’s parallax effect | Think Vitamin

Moving Sonic the Hedgehog to the right caused the foreground to move past the camera to the left faster than the background, creating a faux-3D view of Green Hill Zone. We can create a similar effect on a web page by fixing semi-transparent background images to different sides of the browser viewport, and at different horizontal percentage positions.


Shadowbox.js Media Viewer

by 6 others
Shadowbox is a cross-browser, cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript.


Stupid JavaScript Tricks: "3D" Panorama

Attempt to make a panorama using just JavaScript. It creates a series of div columns, and then puts copies of the image in each column. As you move your mouse across the image, it stretches the columns vertically along a sin curve to fake the 3D look

swfIR: swf Image Replacement

by 25 others
swfIR (swf Image Replacement) is here to solve some of the design limitations of the standard HTML image and its widely-accepted associated CSS values, while still supporting standards-based design concepts. Using the dark arts of JavaScript and Flash, swfIR gives you the ability to apply an assortment of visual effects to any or all images on your website. Through progressive enhancement, it looks through your page and can easily add some new flavor to standard image styling.

JonDesign's (Javascript) SmoothGallery: Mootools Mojo for Images | What is it ?

by 11 others
Using mootools v1.0, this javascript gallery and slideshow system allows you to have simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image galleries, slideshows, showcases and other cool stuff on your website...


Max Kiesler - Downloadable AJAX Galleries, Slideshows and Effects

by 26 others (via)
Until recently many of the most visually stunning and functional image galleries, slideshows, and effects were done through Flash. With the advent of AJAX many developers are taking another look at javascript and are producing some very amazing functionality in these areas.


Traduction : Remplacement Dynamique de Texte - pouipouidesign v.5 ... et pourquoi pas ? ©2005

by 10 others
Voici donc la traduction de l'article de Stewart Rosenberger sur A List Apart, intitulé Dynamic Text Replacement, et qui traite d'un procédé permettant de remplacer dynamiquement, à la volée, des "bouts de texte" par leur équivalent image dans la police/couleur/taille que vous aurez choisi, tout en respectant les standards et l'accessibilité. Il s'agit de deux scripts, un PHP et un JavaScript, associés à deux trois règles CSS, et vous voilà parti ! Les commentaires des deux scripts ont eux aussi été traduits en français.