public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags jQuery & html


PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

by 10 others, 3 comments
A HTML DOM parser written in PHP5 let you manipulate HTML in a very easy way!


jQuery Flash Plugin

by 10 others
Inspired by tools like SWFObject, UFO and sIFR, but written line-by-line for jQuery — no other scripts required. Less redundancy (jQuery and sIFR both find elements by css selectors and do browser detection, sIFR and SWFObject both do Flash detection) m

Wheel 2.0: Jason Huck’s Devblog | jQuery Combo Select Redux

I have automated the process of transforming a normal multiselect input element into a comboselect with the (aptly named) comboselect plugin.

2006 jQuery date picker

This jQuery plugin allows you to easily add “date picker” calendars to you HTML forms. These calendars make it much quicker, easier and less error prone for people to input certain types of dates