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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags flash & interface



Une application iPhone (sur lequel Flash n'est pas disponible je le rappelle) qui permet d'accéder aux photos depuis un ordinateur dans une interface en... Flash !


jQuery Flash Plugin

by 10 others
Inspired by tools like SWFObject, UFO and sIFR, but written line-by-line for jQuery — no other scripts required. Less redundancy (jQuery and sIFR both find elements by css selectors and do browser detection, sIFR and SWFObject both do Flash detection) m


by 1 other
Un spectacle très très original à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte, cliquez vite et laissez-vous porter !


2005 -- Lickr: Flickr, without the Flash

by 13 others (via)
Flickr is a popular photo hosting service that uses embedded Flash files as part of their interface. On every page, there will be a little delay while a new Flash file loads. Lickr removes the need for Flash. It runs within the web browser Firefox, stripping the Flash before the user can even see it, and replacing it with an equivalent interface in pure HTML and Javascript.