public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags design & webdesign


Kwicks for jQuery

by 12 others
Welcome to the Kwicks for jQuery home page. Kwicks for jQuery is a plugin that simulates the insatiably attractive Mootools effect of the same name

hartija - Google Code

by 5 others
universal Cascading Style Sheets for web printing by uniting all best CSS printing practises into one

The seven rules of unobtrusive JavaScript

by 7 others
Do not make any assumptions, find your hooks and relationships, leave traversing to the experts, understand browsers and users, understand Events, play well with others, work for the next developer

jQuery Tutorials for Designers

by 8 others
This article contains 10 visual tutorials intended for web designers and newbies on how to apply Javascript effects with jQuery.

Tripoli - a CSS standard for HTML rendering

by 3 others
Tripoli is a generic CSS standard for HTML rendering. By resetting and rebuilding browser standards, Tripoli forms a stable, cross-browser rendering foundation for your web projects.

Shadowbox.js Media Viewer

by 6 others
Shadowbox is a cross-browser, cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript.

Css Trick - Pure Css Text Gradients

by 3 others
Text Gradient is a simple css trick that allows you to improve your site's appearance by putting gradients on system font titles using nothing but css and a png image.


Usability Guidelines: Web Design for Users With Disabilities

by 4 others
The retail value of this report is $124, but it is free as our holiday gift to our loyal readers, as our thanks for your support over the years.

Blog Usability: Top 10 Weblog Design Mistakes (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)

by 15 others
Weblogs are a form of website. Normal website usability guidelines therefore apply to them, as do this year's top ten design mistakes. But weblogs are also a special genre of website; they have unique characteristics and thus distinct usability problems.

Dynamic Drive- FavIcon Generator

by 31 others
Use this online tool to easily create a favicon (favorites icon) for your site. A favicon is a small, 16x16 image that is shown inside the browser's location bar and bookmark menu when your site is called up

Freebies Round-Up: Icons, Buttons and Templates

by 7 others
We’ve selected fresh high quality icons, buttons, vector graphics, templates and layouts.

Apple Human Interface Guidelines: Making Design Decisions

When making design decisions regarding features in your application, it’s important to weigh the costs, not all of which are financial, against the potential benefits. Every time you add a feature to your application, the following things can happen: * Your application gets larger. * Your application gets slower. * Your application’s human interface becomes more complex. * You spend time developing new features rather than refining existing features. * Your application’s documentation and help become more extensive. * You run the risk of introducing changes that could adversely affect existing features. * You increase the time required to validate the behavior of your application.

A List Apart: Articles: Switchy McLayout: An Adaptive Layout Technique

by 7 others
Switchy McLayout lets you define the dimensions, information richness, and appearance of your content objects for set ranges of screen sizes. A news site, for example, could have one layout and appearance for wide screens, one for medium-sized screens, and another for PDAs. Images could shrink or even disappear according to the screen size, columns could come and go as needed to maintain readability, and you can achieve a more efficient use of the available space for each screen size.


uPortal 3 User Interface - uPortal - JA-SIG Wiki

Un excellent travail préparatoire pour la conception de l'interface du portail logiciel libre uPortal dans sa version 3

GrayBit v0.5 Beta: Grayscale Conversion Contrast Accessibility Tool - Main Page - Presented by GrayBit

by 15 others (via)
GrayBit is an online accessibility testing tool designed to visually convert a full-color web page into a grayscale rendition for the purpose of visually testing the page’s perceived contrast.