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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag cms


Gestion de contenus : du libre à la Cour de cassation

Basé sur PHP et MySQL, ce CMS (Content Management System) est adapté aux sites éditoriaux de taille importante, installés sur serveur dédié et dont l'équipe éditoriale comporte plusieurs niveaux hiérarchiques.

Forrester Research: Five Pitfalls To Avoid In Web Content Management Implementations

Web content management (WCM) initiatives remain complex, expensive, time-consuming projects with high failure rates. Why do enterprises continue to wrestle with these initiatives? Critical issues that surface repeatedly from failed project to failed project include a lack of business ownership, IT-driven — rather than user-driven — design, unnecessarily complex specifications, and poorly designed workflow. Five major mistakes to avoid: 1) complex implementations; 2) AWOL content contributors during the content design phase; 3) lack of system mastery by content contributors and template designers; 4) requirements that are too complex; and 5) an IT organization that is stuck in the middle of the content creation and publishing workflow.

Frontpage - umbraco cms, open source ASP.NET Content Management System written in C#

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For the first time on the Microsoft platform a free user and developer friendly cms that makes it quick and easy to create websites - or a breeze to build complex web applications

[News] Umbraco, un CMS Open Source simple pour de petits besoins :: :: Architecture .NET (DotNet)

Umbraco est un outil de gestion de contenu ASP.NET dont le slogan est "simple beau et efficace". Sans prétentions, il s'adresse à un public plutôt "non initié" sous licence Open Source : "All content in umbraco is under version control and the publishing routines are so fast, your coffee machine will wonder why you don't come by any more. Content can be edited in an editor made for web publishing; it renders standard compliant html and lets you format your text using css


Drupal/Google Earth Integration | DrupalED

a collaborative authoring environment for Drupal/Google Earth

Faut-il que j’abandonne SPIP pour DotClear ? - Gastero Prod - Nicolas Hoizey

Frustré de ne toujours pas avoir de trackbacks sur Gastero Prod, mais aussi surtout de pingbacks automatiques, je me suis lancé dans une petite étude rapide de DotClear, afin de voir si un changement d’outil pourrait réduire ma frustration. Je n’arrêtais pas de repousser cette étude en me disant qu’il fallait mieux que j’attende ce fabuleux DotClear 2.0 que tout le monde attend, mais j’en ai marre d’attendre cette arlésienne...

Forrester Research: Drupal's Blogging Platform Integrates Community And Publishing

Drupal provides an open source solution for integrating blogging into an overall community or content site. That integration allows authors to take traditional blog publishing tools and extend them into discussion boards, wikis, and traditional Web pages. Drupal's biggest disadvantage is that its interfaces are difficult to configure and use, although there is a large user community supporting the platform.

Magnolia and OpenWFE alliance

Magnolia Organization and the OpenWFE Group today announce a strategic alliance. The goal of the alliance is to bring Magnolia's renown ease-of-use to the OpenWFE Workflow Environment, supply Magnolia with outstanding workflow capabilities, and provide professional support for the OpenWFE Workflow Environment.


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Un DMS client riche (eclipse) basé sur Jackrabbit


WYSIWYG CMS - The other user agent - Wait till I come!

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Content management systems with WYSIWYG editors have issues with some templates using CSS for layout – effectively forcing the designer to cater both for the CMS and the final browser.

Vendor Kudos and Shortcomings, Circa 2005 -- CMS Watch

It's time for our annual review of the CMS vendor capabilities. The categories below, as well as our judgments about vendors excelling and lagging, come from the most recent edition of The CMS Report.

Joomla! - Main

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Joomla! is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems on the planet. It is used all over the world for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications. Joomla! is easy to install, simple to manage, and reliable


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SpipEdit est un éditeur de texte destiné à faciliter la rédaction dans Spip, qui complète les outils existant comme l’aide en ligne ou la macro Word. SpipEdit ne fonctionne malheureusement que sous Windows, mais les développeurs Mac peuvent s’en inspirer.

CMS et bonnes pratiques HTTP - Blog & Blues - Standards Web et accessibilité

Ce petit problème, très spécifique et ponctuel, est en effet révélateur d'un pan entier de la qualité Web pour lequel les CMS ont un rôle clé à jouer. Encore faut-il qu'ils le prennent en compte. : comments on ezPublish: slow and crufty

ezPublish has exactly the right idea. It is Inklog in every shape and fashion. It does exactly what I want to do. It's perfect... in theory. In practice, however, it's not so good.

Push Vs. Pull - The Battle for the Best CMS [Server Side Essentials]

A content management system (CMS) provides the necessary infrastructure for multiple parties to effectively contribute content and collaborate throughout the information lifecycle.

Itseasy, un CMS standard et accessible

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Le créateur d'Itseasy et de son système de fonctionnement est François-Olivier HOIZEY, alias Vanquish, étudiant en Droit Français et passionné d'informatique à ses heures perdues.

Utilisabilité et outils de gestion de contenu

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C'est un drame ! Allez reconnaissez-le, alors que la majeure partie des sites web de l'internet reposent sur des outils de gestion de contenu (CMS en anglais), leur utilisation relève du casse-tête. Ceci est dû à de très graves problèmes d'utilisabilité. ...

LinuxWorld - Product Excellence Awards

Deux récompenses pour Mambo : Best Open Source Solution: Mambo: Mambo 4.5.1a Best of Show: Mambo: Mambo 4.5.1a