public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags clevermarks & dev

June 2008

April 2008

hartija - Google Code

by 5 others
universal Cascading Style Sheets for web printing by uniting all best CSS printing practises into one

March 2008

Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs

by 2 others
Microsoft is making a large investment in unifying our developer platform protocols for services on the open, standards-based Atom format (RFC 4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)

November 2007

Google Code FAQ - GearsMonkey: Google Gears + Greasemonkey to take Wikipedia offline

By using Google Gears with the Firefox Greasemonkey plugin, you can inject Gears code into any website that you want. Don't wait for your favorite website to enable offline support -- do it yourself.

High Scalability | Building bigger, faster, more reliable websites.

by 5 others
High Scalability was started to help build successful scalable websites. It tries to bring together all the lore, art, science, practice, and experience of building scalable websites into one place so you can learn how to build your system with confidence

October 2007

Learning jQuery » A Plugin Development Pattern

by 3 others
This article shares the pattern that I've found especially useful for plugin authoring. It assumes you already have an understanding of plugin development for jQuery; if you're a novice plugin author, please review the jQuery Authoring Guidelines first.

Nati Shalom's Blog: Why most large-scale Web sites are not written in Java

The application stack of these Web applications is very different from the stack that mission-critical applications in the financial world are built with.

July 2007

XRAY :: for web developers

by 15 others
XRAY is a bookmarklet for Safari, Firefox, Camino or Mozilla. Use it to see the box model for any element.

Underscores are now word separators, proclaims Google | Tech news blog - CNET

underscores in URLs are now (or at least very soon to be) treated as word separators by Google

JavaScript Animation Using jQuery - SitePoint Design View

Voici comment réaliser de très sympatiques animations de pages de livre qui tournent avec quelques images et jQuery

LightWindow Demo

by 14 others
Cette librairie JavaScript permet de créer très facilement des pseudo fenêtre en sur impression de la page Web, pour montrer tout type de contenu. Dommage que ce soit basé sur Prototype et Scriptaculous, et non jQuery...

jQMaps by SeViR

by 1 other
jQMaps est un plugin jQuery permettant d'ajouter très facilement des cartes Google Maps avec différents points d'intérêt

June 2007

Amazon Web Services: Monster Muck Mashup - Mass Video Conversion Using AWS

by 1 other
L'auteur utilise Amazon S3 pour le stockage, Amazon EC2 pour convertir les vidéos, et Amazon SQS pour les échanges de messages durant le process, un must !

SlickSpeed Selectors Test

by 7 others
Des tests de performances automatisés des principales librairie Javascript : Prototype, jQuery, MooTools, ext, cssQuery, dojo query


La chaîne YouTube des sessions de présentation des Google Developer Days, pour tout savoir sur les API et mashups possibles avec les outils Google

April 2007

A Guide to CSS Support in Email: 2007 Edition

by 19 others
12 months since our original Guide to CSS Support in Email and quite a bit has changed since. Most significant of these changes was in the wrong direction, with Microsoft's decision to use the Word rendering engine instead of IE in Outlook 2007

Ajaxian » Fireclipse: Debug from FF straight into Eclipse

John J. Barton has released a new open source framework named Fireclipse that enables nice coupling of Firefox and Eclipse for debugging purposes, working on top of Firebug.

March 2007

Le blog de L'ami S'ami - Eclipse se met au RAP

by 1 other (via)
j’avoue que la multiplication des Framework AJAX commence à être de plus en plus problématique. Problématique pour nous techniciens qui commençons à être de plus en plus submergés par autant de nouveautés (même si dans la pratique, peu innovent finalement). Et problématique pour le marché et les utilisateurs car du coup, plus personne ne sait aujourd’hui ce qu'il doit choisir dans le cadre d'un nouveau développement Web entre JSF, JSP, Struts 2 (j’y viendrais), GWT, Eclipse RAP, Echo2 ou DOJO (je ne parle pas de Zk, JMaki et autres Bindows et Backbase).

February 2007

Ajaxian » TIBCO General Interface 3.2 Released: Check out our exclusive screencast

It is really worth checking out this short screencast as it shows you what a pow erful tool GI is, and we are constantly surprised at how fast and feature full i t is. Sometimes we get excited at a new Foo components for Prototype, and then we remember that GI has hundreds of components :)

digitalBush » Masked Input Plugin

by 12 others
This is a masked input plugin for jQuery. Currently this is a alpha release. A mask is defined by a format made up of mask and wildcard characters. Any character not in the wildcard character list below is considered a mask character.

Streamed Lines: Branching Patterns for Parallel Software Development

by 3 others
Most software version control systems provide mechanisms for branching into multiple lines of development and merging source code from one development line into another. However, the techniques, policies and guidelines for using these mechanisms are often misapplied or not fully understood. This is unfortunate, since the use or misuse of branching and merging can make or break a parallel software development project. Streamed Lines is a pattern language for organizing related lines of development into appropriately diverging and converging streams of source code changes.

mailhook - DevjaVu

by 1 other
Using Mailhook, you can receive email directly into your scripts and applications as easy as handling a form post. This means that you have no excuse to not have an email interface to your application.