public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tag ajax

October 2006

Welcome to Scrybe

by 4 others
ScrybeTM is a groundbreaking online organizer that caters to today´s lifestyle in a cohesive and intuitive way. Simple solutions for some age old problems.

August 2006

Interface elements for jQuery

by 1 other
Interface is a collection of plugins for jQuery javascript library. With this plugins you can build Web 2.0 aplications with the same same simplicty as using jQuery and provide a rich user interface.

July 2006

Ajax Learning Guide

Are you a Web developer? The time has come to rethink your entire approach to developing Web applications. Find out about the Ajax approach (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) and learn how Web developers are not only enriching the user interface but also making it more responsive.

SIMILE | Timeline

by 22 others
Timeline is a DHTML-based AJAXy widget for visualizing time-based events. It is like Google Maps for time-based information. Below is a live example that you can play with. Pan the timeline by dragging it horizontally.

June 2006

ActiveGrid un RAD qui respecte les standards

ActiveGrid est un environnement de réalisation d’applications WEB totalement intégré qui repose entièrement sur les standards XML les plus récents : BPEL, XForms, WSDL, XML Schema, XACML. L’offre d’ActiveGrid est composée d’un builder et d’un server, tout ça dans une architecture LAMP (le P devant se comprendre essentiellement pour Python).

ActiveGrid - ActiveGrid Studio

ActiveGrid Studio makes it easy to create rich, interactive Web 2.0-style applications that integrate your existing databases, applications, and services. The ActiveGrid Studio offers graphical editors and wizards and is based completely on standard XML files so there is no code generation or proprietary metadata.

Orbeon - Form-based Web Applications Done the Right Way

by 2 others
Orbeon PresentationServer is an open source platform that uses standard XForms to make your form-based web applications more user-friendly and simpler to create. OPS is built around a user-friendly Ajax-based XForms engine, which brings standard W3C XForms to mainstream browsers, and the XPL engine, a mature, high-performance XML pipeline engine for processing XML data.

Analyse de la valeur ajoutée d'Ajax dans l'entreprise (sans céder à l'effet de mode) - Le blog de l'entreprise Nalis : Génie Logiciel & Systèmes d'information

by 3 others (via)
Ajax, ne résoudra pas les problèmes d'une entreprise. Par contre, Ajax est un moyen d'augmenter la valeur ajoutée d'une solution. Mais Ajax peut également faire perdre de la valeur à une solution. C'est à ce stade de la réflexion que le parallèle entre l'utilisation de flash et d'AJAX devient intéressant.

L’Iran et le coup d’État de 1953

« Le coup d’État portera le nom de code AJAX »

May 2006

Juicy Studio: Making Ajax Work with Screen Readers

by 8 others
The accessibility community is understandably concerned about the accessibility of client-side scripting, in particular using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) to produce Rich Internet Applications. Steve Faulkner of Vision Australia and founder member of the Web Accessibility Tools Consortium (WAT-C) and myself on behalf of The Paciello Group (TPG) have collaborated in an effort to come up with techniques to make Ajax and other client-side scripting techniques accessible to assistive technology.

Validateur W3C Multipages pour une validation de site XHTML

by 34 others (via)
Validez votre site Web en entier grâce à l'outil de validation W3C multipages complètement ajaxifié. Impressionnant !

April 2006

March 2006

Max Kiesler - Downloadable AJAX Galleries, Slideshows and Effects

by 26 others (via)
Until recently many of the most visually stunning and functional image galleries, slideshows, and effects were done through Flash. With the advent of AJAX many developers are taking another look at javascript and are producing some very amazing functionality in these areas.

Musings from Mars » Ajax/DHTML Library Scorecard:How Cross Platform Are They?

by 8 others (via)
checking out the large array of new toolkits that were available for Ajax and DHTML

January 2006

Developing Ajax Applications That Preserve Standard Browser Functionality

by 2 others (via)
a few critical voices have pointed out that Ajax applications break several important browser features, including support for the back/forward button

jQuery: New Wave Javascript

by 77 others (via)
jQuery is a new type of Javascript library. It is not a huge, bloated, framework promising the best in AJAX - nor is just a set of needlessly complex enhancements - jQuery is designed to change the way that you write Javascript.

Smoother Surfing - Newsweek: International Editions -

Même Newsweek parle d'Ajax, Wow !!! : « A grab bag of programs called Ajax could threaten the dominance of Microsoft and desktop software. »

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:FireBug - All Releases

by 6 others (via)
FireBug is a new tool that aids with debugging Javascript, DHTML, and Ajax. It is like a combination of the Javascript Console, DOM Inspector, and a command line Javascript interpreter.

FeedLounge s’ouvre enfin au public impatient et enterre directement ses concurrents - Gastero Prod

Si vous n’en avez pas encore entendu parler, FeedLounge est un aggrégateur de flux de syndication en ligne, à la manière de Bloglines, Google Reader et autres. La différence, c’est qu’il est beau et facile à utiliser !

A List Apart: Articles: Web 3.0

by 10 others (via)
If Steven created the site with CGI and Perl and used tables for layout, [...]. But if Steven used AJAX and Ruby on Rails, Yahoo will pay millions and Tim O’Reilly will beg him to keynote.