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PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags ajax & groupe:clever-age

20 June 2006 13:00

Analyse de la valeur ajoutée d'Ajax dans l'entreprise (sans céder à l'effet de mode) - Le blog de l'entreprise Nalis : Génie Logiciel & Systèmes d'information

by 3 others (via)
Ajax, ne résoudra pas les problèmes d'une entreprise. Par contre, Ajax est un moyen d'augmenter la valeur ajoutée d'une solution. Mais Ajax peut également faire perdre de la valeur à une solution. C'est à ce stade de la réflexion que le parallèle entre l'utilisation de flash et d'AJAX devient intéressant.

19 May 2006 11:45

Validateur W3C Multipages pour une validation de site XHTML

by 34 others (via)
Validez votre site Web en entier grâce à l'outil de validation W3C multipages complètement ajaxifié. Impressionnant !

26 January 2006 16:45

Developing Ajax Applications That Preserve Standard Browser Functionality

by 2 others (via)
a few critical voices have pointed out that Ajax applications break several important browser features, including support for the back/forward button

26 January 2006 12:15

jQuery: New Wave Javascript

by 77 others (via)
jQuery is a new type of Javascript library. It is not a huge, bloated, framework promising the best in AJAX - nor is just a set of needlessly complex enhancements - jQuery is designed to change the way that you write Javascript.

25 January 2006 08:15

23 January 2006 10:45

20 January 2006 15:15

Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:FireBug - All Releases

by 6 others (via)
FireBug is a new tool that aids with debugging Javascript, DHTML, and Ajax. It is like a combination of the Javascript Console, DOM Inspector, and a command line Javascript interpreter.

13 January 2006 11:30

05 January 2006 20:00


by 2 others (via)
JAHAH is an AJAX-like technology for 'mashing' web pages together.

01 December 2005 18:15

Ajax for Java developers: Build dynamic Java applications

In this first article, I'll explain the concepts behind Ajax and demonstrate the fundamental steps to creating an Ajax interface for a Java-based Web application.

15 November 2005 21:15

ZDNet : Ajax, une technologie web prometteuse pour les besoins applicatifs des entreprises - Revue des média - Clever Age

by 1 other
« L’objectif général est de déplacer la bureautique vers internet. C’est déjà réussi en ce qui concerne les e-mails, les projets de traitements de texte et tableurs en ligne fleurissent en ce moment » note Tristan Rivoallan, expert du domaine chez Clever Age

15 November 2005 21:00

Décision Informatique : Clever Age met en place Ajax chez Richelieu Finance - Revue des média - Clever Age

Nous avons refondu notre site web public pour offrir à nos conseillers en gestion de patrimoine une interface de suivi de leur activité : clients, en-cours, portefeuilles, etc. Le volume d’information à restituer était très important, car le carnet d’adresses d’un gestionnaire peut facilement dépasser la centaine de clients. Notre prestataire Clever Age s’est donc appuyé sur une architecture Ajax

13 November 2005 16:15

Particletree · The Hows and Whys of Degradable Ajax

by 6 others
we decided that we wanted to create a flawless user experience for all users without having to sacrifice the added user interface benefits provided by Ajax goodness

03 November 2005 08:45

03 November 2005 07:45

Understanding Ajax

by 1 other (via)
D'excellents slides pour découvrir et se lancer dans AJAX

17 October 2005 15:15

Kevin Lynch: Flash is your friend in Web 2.0

by 1 other (via)
This is not about Flash vs. HTML or Ajax. It's using Flash + HTML with the Ajax approach to build Web 2.0 applications (to be fully buzzword compliant).

11 August 2005 12:15

Midnight Coders Release A .NET Server For AJAX and Flash Apps

Midnight Coders releases the WebORB Presentation Server - a development platform for connecting AJAX and Flash clients with .NET applications. Supported clients include JavaScript and Flash, while server-side support includes any J2EE-compliant server, Microsoft.NET environment, ColdFusion Components, as well as any XML web service.

22 July 2005 07:45

19 July 2005 16:15

There and Back Again » Blog Archive » Improving JPSpan page load performance

by 1 other (via)
If you use JPSpan to augment a normal website you may have noticed that your page loads now take quite a bit longer. The reason for this is loading the JPSpan client javascript code, its generated on each load and so it can’t be cached on the client.

08 July 2005 14:45 - Horde and PHP consulting and development

Four proposals from students have been selected by Google for their Summer of Code program to be sponsored within the Horde Project

30 June 2005 11:00

Microsoft To Release Ajax Functionality for ASP.NET

Microsoft has announced an AJAX based programming framework is being developed to provide asynchronous Javascript based callback for ASP.NET applications. This project, code named Atlas, will make use of existing callback features in ASP.NET 2.0 as well as new features such as multicast event handlers, new UI controls such as autocomplete text boxes, and a core framework of common functionality.

31 January 2005 11:30