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PUBLIC MARKS from myblogs with tags "Internet For Children" & family

March 2007

Helping children cope with contentious parental conflicts (Pocono Record)

It is well known that many children in contentious divorces are caught in the crossfire between their parents. To minimize the negative effects on children, psychologists offer some general guidelines for parents to follow: Tags: Parental Control,Paren...

Teaching our kids to lie (WorldNet Daily)

I read a very disturbing report this week in WorldNetDaily regarding a Michigan high school district's decision to subject their 14-year-old freshman classes to a "gay indoctrination seminar." Tags: Parents,Parental Control,Children Tags: Fa...

February 2007

New mobile phones to empower and imperil children (AFP via Yahoo! News)

The dangers and opportunities of the Internet are soon to be brought to mobile phones, industry experts predicted this week, raising serious questions about how parents can control what their children view and who they contact. Tags: Internet For Child...

January 2007

Parental controls for consoles

... little mention of one new feature available in both game consoles: Tucked into the interface of each are content-filtering software tools designed to give parents control over whether their children can play violent video games. Tags: Internet For ...

November 2006

Kelly Marker: Uncontrolled parental stress can damage children (Rapid City Journal)

Stress is an emotional response to the perception that the demands on oneself exceed the personal and social resources available. In other words, life events become overpowering. Tags: Parents,Family,Parental Control Tags: Family,Parents,Internet For ...

myblogs's TAGS related to tag "Internet For Children"

children +   family +   Parental Control +   parents +