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12 March 2007

MAINE MEDIA-ARTS PROJECT / The 8 Basic Steps of Image Editing

by 3 others
[&] Zuen irudiak webgunean txertatzerakoan, Photoshop-en oinarrizko ukituak eman nahi badizkiozue jo ezazue hona. Zortzi urratsetan zuen argazkien kalitatea nola hobetu daitekeen oso era sinplean azaltzen da. Gutako gehienontzat baliagarriak izango

03 March 2007

The Left Coaster

by 5 others
The sad truth is that parts of Baghdad are rebuilding just fine, but not with help from the United States. Sadr City is rebuilding with help from Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army, and with monies from the central Shiite government. This is happening w