public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ms_michel with tag subversion

October 2007

September 2007

Optimize Tortoise SVN Cache Disk I/O

An excellent explanation of how to optimize the TortoiseSVN icon cache so it caches only your working directories and not the entire drive, allowing you to keep the icon overlays and decrease the amount of disk I/O.


DotSVN is a .NET port of Subversion. This project started as part of nTrac project which required a native interface to Subversion.

August 2007

Subversion branching quick start

by 2 others
"Branches are for the minority."


The goal of SVNManagerLib is to create a kernel type library that can be used by .NET Web Services, Remoting, and ASP.NET for remotely administering Subversion repositories and users. This only supports files for svnserve as a NT Service or *nix Daemon.

June 2007

From VSS to SVN: Part 2

So I'm going to cover the basics of Subversion usage from my perspective - a former VSS user. (Hopefully some of this will still be useful to the rest of you, too.)


DiffMerge is an application to visually compare and merge files for Windows, Mac OS X and Unix.

April 2007

Three months in the Sub

Experiences with Subversion in a .Net environment

March 2007

February 2007


This is a project to build reliable .NET bindings for the Subversion version-control system libraries.

Projets Web et intégration au contrôle de code source dans Visual Studio .NET

Cet article propose des stratégies de développement de projets Web sous contrôle de code source dans Visual Studio .NET, en particulier quels fichiers doivent être exclus du contrôle de code source. Si c'est bon pour SourceSafe, c'est bon aussi pour Subversion.

January 2007

Tortoise SVN exclusion list...

tmp pkg bin cvs Release Debug release debug obj TempPE temp _private _vti_bin _vti_cnf _vti_log _vti_pvt _vti_script _vti_txt thumbs.db *.obj *.ncb *.lib *.idb *.pdb *.ilk *.msi *.res *.pch *.suo *.aps *.*~ *.~* ~*.* *.user *-results.xml *.mdb *.ldb *.incr *.scc *.SCC *.vspscc *.projdata *.resources *.vbw ~vssc Build doc

December 2006

Subversion on a stick

Use Subversion from a portable hard disk or flash drive to synchronize your documents between various computers. There's no need to run the Subversion daemon -- all you need is portable storage and a Subversion client

Pragmatic Version Control using Subversion

a quick tutorial for getting SVN up and running

November 2006

September 2006


SharpForge supports collaborative development and management of multiple software projects. Similar to SourceForge or CodePlex but for your own team or organisation. The software is written in C# for .NET 2.0, uses Subversion for source control and is released under the New BSD License

Subversion Cheat Sheet

by 4 others
Trucs et astuces Subversion sur un unique un PDF imprimable.

July 2006

Version Control for the Standalone Programmer

by 1 other
How to set up TortoiseSVN when working by yourself.

June 2006

Svn1ClickSetup - Set up svn with a single installer

by 2 others
The goal of this project is to simplify the process of setting up a Subversion repository on a Windows-based computer. Svn1ClickSetup takes a user through the steps necessary to install the Subversion command-line utilities and TortoiseSVN, as well as creating a repository and initial project.

April 2006

March 2006

February 2006

ms_michel's TAGS related to tag subversion

.net +   c# +   developpement +   git +   mercurial +   mvc +   ré-install +   webdav +