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PUBLIC MARKS from ms_michel with tag rest


REST Web Services in ASP.Net 2.0 (c#)

This article describes how to cheat your way to an elegant url REST web service.


Keeping web services simple

A very small class, RpcService, that let’s you pass plain text both ways over HTTP. The text will probably be XML for a more structured contract, but that’s up to you. The class has a static Send method and a static Receive method.


Un client Tumblr sous Windows (.Net 2), avec le fichier "tumblr.cs" utilisé pour uploader les billets.


Build RESTful ASP.NET Apps

Create a virtual page handler that lets you deliver data directly from your database to your Web users. The app also lets you move your app into the world of REST Web Services.


A lightweight, open-source .NET library for build and calling REST Web Services.

Google, Amazon, and Beyond: Creating and Consuming Web Services

Free Apress Book On Web Services :


Exploiting the Blogger Atom API

A .Net-based API for interacting with


Restful.Net is a .NET library for easily creating REST web services and web clients. Fully supports gzip compression and provides a clean event-driven model.

REST, un style d'architecture universel.

by 5 others (via)
L'explication de la signification de REST telle que donnée par Roy T. Fielding est la suivante : "Representational State Transfer évoque l'image du fonctionnement d'une application Web bien construite : un réseau de pages Web (une machine à états finis virtuelle) où l'utilisateur progresse dans l'application en cliquant sur des liens (transition entre états) ce qui provoque l'affichage de la page suivante (représentant le nouvel état de l'application) à l'utilisateur qui peut alors l'exploiter".

Wackylabs.Net » Flickr.Net Example Code

by 1 other (via)
One of the most requested things at the moment is example code, or documentation for the Flickr.Net API LIbrary, so this is the first (of possibly a series) of tutorials, focusing on how to create the Flickr class object, with and without authentication.

bas.Blogmarks.MarkClient C# Client

by 4 others
A C# Client to the Atom API


Exemples d'implémentation de l'API RESTLog en .NET : client et serveur.

Rest ASP.NET Example

This page describes how to get an ASP.NET application to work with the PUT and DELETE verbs under IIS on Windows XP Professional

ms_michel's TAGS related to tag rest

.net +   atom +   c# +   developpement +   photo-gallery +   search +   web-services +